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    Title: 越南高等教育改革邁向大眾化、市場化及國際化之研究
    A study on the approach to massification, marketization and internationalization of higher education in Vietnam
    Authors: 胡士雄
    Ho, Sy Hung
    Contributors: 湯志民
    Ho, Sy Hung
    Keywords: 高等教育
    higher education
    educational reform
    massification of higher education
    marketization of higher education
    internationalization of higher education
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 12:41:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的在於了解當前高等教育的改革趨勢,進而探討與分析越南高等教育對當前高教改革趨勢的相關改革及其所衍生的問題,並提出一些建議,作為越南教育主管當局的參考。


    The purposes of this study is to explore the reform trends of higher education; to analyze the reforms of higher education in Vietnam and its problems and then to offer some suggestions to the Vietnamese educational administration as a reference.

    Based on the basic theory of massification, marketization and internationalization of higher education, analyze the reforms of Vietnamese higher education and its problems through the document analysis and interview methods. The study has following findings:

    1.Massification, marketization and internationalization are the trends of higher education reform in the world.
    2.Vietnamese higher education system has undergone several periods of reform and every period has its features.
    3.Low quality is the most serious problem of Vietnamese higher education.
    4.The needs of manpower for national development and the learning need of society have resulted in accelerating the massification of higher education in Vietnam.
    5.Innovation of the management system, promotion of the educational socialization and industry-academy cooperation are the resolutions to face with the marketization of higher education in Vietnam.
    6.In order to improve the quality of higher education and to integrate into the world’s level, Vietnamese government has promoted the internationalization of higher education by the policies of teachers and student mobility, academy exchange and inter-cooperation.
    7.The massification of higher education in Vietnam has resulted in the imbalance between quality and quantity and many problems from the amalgamation and the non-public higher education institutions system.
    8.Education market has not completely shaped, the problems of management system and educational socialization policy are resulted from the marketization of higher education in Vietnam.
    9.Brain drain, pressure from the directly competitiveness with foreign universities and lack of finance are the problems of Vietnamese higher education system in internationalization process.
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