题名: | 教育行政機關主管家長式領導、行政人員情緒勞動與職業倦怠關係之研究 |
作者: | 許翰笙 Shen, Hsu Han |
贡献者: | 秦夢群 許翰笙 Shen, Hsu Han |
关键词: | 教育行政機關 家長式領導 情緒勞動 職業倦怠 Education Administration Authority Paternalistic Leadership Emotional Labor Job Burnout |
日期: | 2007 |
上传时间: | 2009-09-19 12:40:17 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究旨在探討教育行政機關之主管家長式領導、行政人員情緒勞動及職業倦怠之關係,以瞭解目前我國教育行政機關主管領導型態,並進一步分析行政人員知覺家長式領導與其情緒勞動及職業倦怠之關係。研究方法以文獻分析及問卷調查法為主,係以臺北縣市教育局之行政人員為對象,隨機抽樣400位行政人員,回收有效樣本260人,回收率達65%。問卷調查結果採用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析以及多元迴歸分析法進行分析,獲得研究結論如下: 一、教育行政機關行政人員在知覺主管家長式領導中,「德行領導」之程度最高。 二、教育行政機關行政人員在情緒勞動中,以「深層偽裝」較高。 三、教育行政機關行政人員在職業倦怠中,以「情緒耗竭」最高。 四、不同背景變項之教育行政機關行政人員在知覺主管家長式領導、情緒勞動及職業倦怠等變項上或分向度上有顯著差異。 五、教育行政機關行政人員知覺主管不同之家長式領導類型程度分別與其情緒勞 動有顯著差異。 六、教育行政機關行政人員知覺主管不同之家長式領導類型程度分別與其職業倦 怠有顯著差異。 七、教育行政機關行政人員情緒勞動與其職業倦怠有顯著差異。 八、教育行政機關行政人員知覺主管家長式領導中之「威權領導」及其情緒勞動皆可有效預測其職業倦怠。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提出下列建議: 一、對教育行政機關主管之建議 (一)發揮仁慈領導,主動關懷提供支援之環境, (二)重視德行領導,以身作則俾利型塑使命感。 (三)慎用威權領導,展現理性的人治手段。 (四)建立職場情緒腳本,並納入公務人員訓練課程之中。 (五)加強甄選機制,篩選具合適人格特質之行政人員。 二、對教育行政機關行政人員之建議 (一)主動積極請主管指引政策擬辦方向,以減少情緒勞動。 (二)向資深同仁請益,以有效轉化情緒勞動。 (三)找尋適當的情緒表達管道,以降低表層偽裝的情緒勞動。 (四)瞭解公部門服務之本質,以提升專業效能。 三、對未來研究之建議 分別就研究對象、研究變項及研究方法等方面提出進一步之建議,俾使未來相關研究更臻完善。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among paternalistic leadership of supervisors, emotional labor and job burnout of administrators, to realize the status in Taiwan. The research method this study adopted were literature analysis and survey research which data were collected from random sample of 400 administrators of Department of Education Administration Authority in Taipei City and County. The valid samples were 260, and usable responses rates were 65%. The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical methods of descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. And the findings of this study are as follows: 1. Among the perception from the administrators of supervisors’ paternalistic leadership, “moral leadership” is the highest. 2. As to the emotional labor of administrators, “deep acting” is higher. 3. As to the job burnout of administrators, “emotional exhaustion” is the highest. 4. The administrators with different background variables have significant differences in perceptions of supervisors’ paternalistic leadership, their emotional labor and job burnout. 5. The administrators with different level of perceptions of supervisors’ have significant differences in emotional labor. 6. The administrators with different level of perceptions of supervisors’ have significant differences in job burnout. 7. The administrators with different level of emotional labor have significant differences in job burnout. 8. The levels of administrators’ perceptions of supervisors’ “authority leadership” and administrators’ emotional labor can effectively predict the job burnout of administrators. Based on the above findings, this study makes the following recommendations: 1. For supervisors of education administration authority (1) Play a benevolent leadership to provide the supported environment. (2) Emphasis on moral leadership to make a sample for shaping the missions. (3) Use authoritarian leadership carefully to show a rational person. (4) Establish the workplace emotional scripts, and add them in the public service training curriculum. (5) Strengthen the selection mechanisms to select the administrators with appropriate personality traits. 2. For administrators of education administration authority (1) Proactively get the guidelines of proposed direction from the supervisors in order to reduce the emotional labor. (2) Ask senior colleagues to effectively transform the emotional labor. (3) Find the appropriate ways to express emotions in order to reduce the “surface acting” emotional labor. (4) Realize the nature of public sector services in order to promote the professional performance. 3. For future studies: This study provide suggestions on research subjects, variables and methods for future studies as well. |
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