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Title: | 中文訴訟文書檢索系統雛形實作 A Prototype of Information Services for Chinese Judicial Documents |
Authors: | 藍家樑 Lan, Chia Liang |
Contributors: | 劉昭麟 Liu, Chao Lin 藍家樑 Lan, Chia Liang |
Keywords: | 法學資訊系統 自然語言處理 階層式分群法 k最近鄰居法 |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 12:12:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 訴訟案件與日俱增,欲閱讀完所有案件顯然不容易,此時便需要一套較完善的檢索系統來輔助使用者。我們整合前人的相關研究成果,實作一套分群式檢索系統的雛形,依檢索條件搜尋相關案件,並將結果分群輸出,便於使用者對各群集進行查詢,以期減少使用者閱讀案件上的負擔,同時獲得較完整資訊。另設計文件標記與註解功能,供使用者建立個人化資料庫,便於日後檢索。 當輸入為關鍵詞時我們利用階層式分群法來為結果作分群,也以共現詞彙的概念建立的索引,列出可能的相關詞彙提供使用者作查詢;檢索條件亦可輸入一段犯罪事實,系統透過k最近鄰居法的概念,找到相似的案件,依照案由分群。另外也可以透過判決刑期分佈針對特定區間作檢索。 本系統難以進行較正規的實驗,因為這是一個使用者互動的系統,而適不適用也難有一個評定標準。我們從使用者的執行效率,以及對於分群結果的相似度與判決刑期統計來分析與討論,檢驗本系統對使用者的助益以及討論系統本身須要再改善之處。 Because cumulative number of the judgments grows unceasingly, it is obviously not easy for the users to read all the judicial documents. They need a handier system to retrieve the judgment information. We present a prototype of clustering retrieval system for Chinese judicial documents. The system can automatically cluster and integrate the search results. It is easy for the users to focus on the information they need and pass over the others. When they read a judicial document, they can mark some parts of sentences or annotate some comments if they are interested in. We let them create the personalized database and search more easily. We can type a keyword, and then our system executes the hierarchical clustering method to cluster search results. We also can view some words which may be relative to the keyword from the collocation word lists. Besides we can input a crime description, and then our system executes the k-nearest neighbor method to classify the crime into some prosecution reason and provide the similar cases. Moreover, our system lets the users view the distribution of prison sentence lengths and the documents in the specific interval. A formal evaluation of our system is not easy because this is an interactive system. We cannot definitely judge whether it is helpful or unhelpful. We evaluated the efficiency of our system by the operations of human subjects. Besides we made some statistics about the similarity and the distribution of prison sentence lengths from the clustering results. We tried to discuss the help by our system for users and how to improve the system. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學學系 95753042 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0957530421 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊科學系] 學位論文
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