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Title: | 網路抽樣調查與模糊線上統計 Network Sampling and Fuzzy Online Statistics |
Authors: | 江明峰 Chiang, Ming Feng |
Contributors: | 吳柏林 Wu, Ber Lin 江明峰 Chiang, Ming Feng |
Keywords: | 模糊統計 網路問卷調查 Fuzzy statistics Network questionnaire |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 12:08:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文的主要目的是為使用者建立一個方便使用及減少成本的網路問卷模型,以模糊統計為基礎,主要探討梯形隸屬度函數的統計量,讓使用者能透過系統,從事問卷調查。
網站共有5個部份,分成(1)問卷調查(2)威克生等級檢定(3)離散型模糊資料統計量(4)連續型模糊資料統計量(5)模糊迴歸;網頁使用ASP.NET2.0撰寫,並在其中加入資料庫語法,連結資料庫,讓使用者可以在線上輸入資料,並獲得統計結果。 The main purpose of this paper is to build up a questionnaire model, which is convenient to use and can reduce cost for the users. With the foundation of the fuzzy statistics, the main study is about the statistical quantity of trapezoid membership function, and let them work on a questionnaire through system.
The website totally has 5 parts and is divided into (1) A questionnaire, (2) Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, (3) The statistical quantity with discrete fuzzy data, (4) The statistical quantity with continuous fuzzy data, (5) Fuzzy regression equation. The web page is composed of ASP.NET2.0, and database phrasing is added therein to link database. Let users input data on line, and get the results of statistics. |
Reference: | [1]何素美,吳柏林(2006),市場調查分析的新方法:模糊特徵與共識攫取之應用,智慧科技與應用統計學報 4(1),63-84。 [2]胡悅倫, 吳柏林(2002),模糊統計在分析樂觀量表之應用,教育心理研究,25,457-484。 [3]胡悅倫,陳皎眉,吳柏林(2006),模糊統計於A型量表分類之研究,教育與心理研究, 29(1),151-158。 [4]葉秋呈,施耀振,吳柏林 (2004),應用模糊眾數與模糊期望值於大學生多元學習生活調查分析,智慧科技與應用統計學報 2(1),109-136。 [5]黃少華 (2001),網路調查的價值與局限,網路社會學通訊期刊 18。 [6]斐文,鄭舜仁 (2004),應用模糊統計與時間數列轉折點之研究,中華管理學報計 5(1), 57-76。 [7]蔡清嵐,吳柏林 (2007),智慧資本評價的模糊統計分析,德明學報,20,223-240。 [8]Yuang, JinYeh, Sun, Ching-Min and Wu, B. (2004). Fuzzy Sampling Survey and Statistical Analysis for ESL Teaching Effect Evaluations. 調查研究(中央研究院調查研究中心).16, 106-136. [9]Nguyen, H. and Wu, B. (2006), Random and fuzzy sets in coarse data analysis. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 70-85. [10]Wu, B. and Chang, S. K. (2007), On testing hypothesis of fuzzy mean. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 24(2). [11]Sun, C-M. and Wu, B. (2007), New Statistical Approaches for Fuzzy Data, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, 15(2), 89-106. [12]Nguyen, H.T. and Wu, B. (2006), Fundamentals of statistics with Fuzzy Data. Springer-Verlag. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 應用數學研究所 95972007 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095972007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [應用數學系] 學位論文
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