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    政大機構典藏 > 理學院 > 心理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/37086
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    Title: 雙元自主能力對訊息區辨的作用效果:範疇優勢的運作機制
    The Effect of dual autonomy on message discernment: processing mechanism of domain superiority
    Authors: 吳志文
    Wu, Chih-Wen
    Contributors: 葉光輝
    Yeh, Kuang-Hui
    Wu, Chih-Wen
    Keywords: 雙元自主性模型
    Dual Autonomy Model
    Domain Superiority
    Individuating Autonomy
    Relating Autonomy
    Common Method Variance Bias
    Message Discernment
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 11:56:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在檢證雙元自主性模型中自主能力與情境操弄對訊息區辨表現的範疇優勢性運作機制;並為了排除過去系列相關研究結果可能受到共同方法變異偏誤所造成的效度威脅,本研究採取訊息區辨表現作為非自陳式效標變項,重新檢證雙元自主性模型的各項主張觀點。
    This article has two main goals about verifying the ideas of the Dual Autonomy Model (Yeh & Yang, 2006; Yeh, Bedford, & Yang, 2007; Yeh, Liu, Huang, & Yang, 2007). The first is testing the collective effect of dual autonomy and situational operation on message discernment to support the processing mechanism of the domain superiority hypothesis. The second is using the message discernments as performance criteria variable to prevent the common method variance bias and replicate the each hypotheses of dual autonomy. In study 1, 811 senior high school students from north and south of Taiwan as participants were asked to complete a group-survey in their classrooms. A medium correlation between individuating autonomy (IA) and relating autonomy (RA) replicates the coexistence hypothesis. It was also found a distinguishable criterion-validity confirms the domain superiority hypothesis that IA was greater associated with personal domain message discernment but RA was greater associated with interpersonal domain message discernment. This effect of domain superiority was enhanced only under the congruous situational operation condition, shows the collective effect of situation and autonomy capacity that verifies the processing mechanism of domain superiority. For strengthening the result of study 1, study 2 improves the situational operation materials and the message discernment tasks. 61 college students whose dual autonomy both are higher and 63 college students whose dual autonomy both are lower were recruited as participants for study 2 from school in north of Taiwan. They were invited to a small room separately and asked to complete all of the materials and tasks that were presented on computer. The participants with higher dual autonomy have better message discernments of both domains than the participants with lower dual autonomy, replicates the effect of dual autonomy on message discernments. The congruous situational operation produced greater message discriminations than incongruous or none situational operation. This situational effect was only significant on the participants with higher dual autonomy, shows the collective effect of situation and autonomy capacity, confirms the coexist of dual autonomy, and also verifies the processing mechanism of domain superiority. These results and limitations of these two studies, comparison with the past findings, and considerations for future research are discussed.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0957520091
    Data Type: thesis
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