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    Title: 憂鬱與日常生活的心境一致想法:日程紀錄研究
    Depression and mood congruent thoughts in everyday life:A diary study
    Authors: 黃柏僩
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Keywords: 憂鬱
    tripartite model
    mood congruent effect
    Beck`s cognitive model
    differential activation hypothesis
    diary method
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 11:56:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文試圖將日程紀錄法的研究典範應用於憂鬱的心理病理研究,聚焦於兩研究問題:(一)探討個體的憂鬱症狀與其日常生活正/負向情感傾向的關係,以及該正/負向情感傾向如何影響其每日的正/負向想法;(二)根據「素質-壓力模式」的觀點,探討個體於日常生活中展現的情感傾向與認知特性,在控制住基準點的憂鬱症狀後,是否仍可顯著預測個體處於壓力狀態的憂鬱症狀。93名大學生完整參與本研究,問卷評估包括基準點的憂鬱症狀、日程紀錄期間的每日正/負向情感與正/負向想法、以及其期中考期間的憂鬱症狀。研究顯示憂鬱個體展現較低的正向情感傾向與較強的負向情感傾向,而個體的正/負向情感傾向與狀態可顯著預測其正/負向想法,且情感傾向與狀態對想法存在顯著的交互作用;另外,個體於日常生活展現的平均負向想法與正向情感傾向,在控制住基準點的症狀後,仍可顯著預測其處於壓力的憂鬱症狀。最後,我們則探討本研究對心理病理與治療的意涵。
    The authors attempted using diary method paradigm to study psychopathology of depression. The study focused on two questions: (1) explore the relationship between individuals’ depressive symptoms and their tendency of positive/ negative affect, and how the tendency of affect impact their daily positive/ negative thoughts; (2) according to the view of diathesis-stress model, explore how the affective tendency and cognitive characteristics exhibited in daily life could predict their depressive symptoms under stress after the initial symptoms are controlled. 93 participants finished all questionnaires, including initial depressive symptoms, daily positive/ negative affect, positive/ negative thoughts, and depressive symptoms under midterm examination. The results showed that depression is related to low positive affect and high negative affect. Individuals’ tendency and state of positive/ negative affect could predict their daily positive/ negative thoughts, and there exist a significant interaction effect between tendency and state to thoughts. Further, individuals’ tendency of positive affect and average negative could predict their depressive symptoms under stress after the initial symptoms are controlled. Finally, the implications for psychopathology and therapy are discussed.
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