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Title: | 領導才能、組織文化、目標設定、組織效能感、與競爭力、績效之相關研究 |
Authors: | 吳雅倩 Wu, Ya Chien |
Contributors: | 張裕隆 吳雅倩 Wu, Ya Chien |
Keywords: | 領導才能 組織文化 目標設定 效能感 競爭力 績效 leadership competency organizational culture goal-setting efficacy competitiveness performance |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 11:55:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘要 全球經濟自2008年產生從1929年經濟大蕭條以來,最嚴重的經濟危機-金融海嘯。造成全世界企業的倒閉,以及勞工的大量失業。當企業組織身處於動盪不安的環境時,往往就是考驗企業領導人的關鍵時期;因為領導者的卓越與否,左右著企業組織的生死存亡。因此,本研究以「領導才能」作為出發點,探討「組織文化」、「目標設定」、「自我、團隊、與組織效能感」、及「競爭力、績效」之間的關聯性,並將上述變項進行整合,建構一「組織效能感之競爭力模式」。發展此一模式,不僅可以作為後續相關研究之重要參考,同時亦可協助個人、團隊、與企業組織檢視其目前的現況,以作為提升與改善競爭力及整體績效的重要依據。 本研究透過嚴謹編製程序,進行問卷編製與資料收集,並進行專家會議、信效度與因素分析,以及各變項之間關聯性的探討。此外,本研究以國內的壽險業作為研究母群,調查對象為壽險業中的業務銷售員,並以立意抽樣方式回收共計232份有效樣本,經統計分析,本研究量表之內部一致性信度(.938~.977),與效標關聯效度(與組織績效之r值介於.567~.775之間)等檢驗指標上,皆達顯著的效果。 最後,本研究假設之考驗及模式驗證之結果顯示:1.領導才能對於組織文化、組織競爭力及績效均具有正向的顯著影響;2.目標設定對於個人、團隊、與組織效能感皆具有正向的顯著影響;3.組織效能感確實對於組織競爭力及組織績效具有正向的顯著影響;4.本研究所建構之「組織效能感之競爭力模式」獲得支持。此外,研究者並針對研究結果及企業組織應如何面對「金融海嘯」,以及對未來學術研究與實務應用提出具體的建議。
關鍵詞:領導才能、組織文化、目標設定、效能感、競爭力、績效 Abstract The gobal economics broke out the most serious economical crisis after the economical sluggish since 1929-financial meltdown in 2008. It makes the close of enterprises and increases the unemployed rate. When facing the turbulent environment, it is the best challenge for all leaders. Organizations can keep surviving or not, depends on leaders’ competencies. This study starts on 「leadership competency」, to discuss the relationship between 「organizational culure」、「goal-setting」、「self / collective / organizational efficacy」、「individual / team / organizational competitiveness」、「individual / team / organizational performance」. This study integrates the above-metioned variables and constructs a 「organizatioanl efficacy of competitiveness model」. The model can not only be the important reference but also assist individual、teams and organizations to examine their current situations to improve their competitiveness and the whole performance. The study uses questionnaire to measue and collect data. The insurance companies in Taiwan were taken as the population, and questionnaire is sent primarily to the insurance sellers. A toatal of 232 samples were collected using purposive sampling. Through the empirical analysis, it shows that the internal consistency reliabilty (.938~.977) and criterion-related validity (.567.~775) of all scales were significant. Finally, according to the results of correlation and Structural Equation Modeling analysis, it shows:1. leadership competency has significant and positive influence to organizational culure、organizational competitiveness and performance; 2. goal-setting has significant and positive influence to self-efficacy、collective efficacy and organizational efficacy; 3. organizational efficacy has significant and positive influence to organizational competitiveness and performance; 4.the constructed 「organizational efficacy of competitiveness」model was supported. Furthermore, evey hypotheses and constructed model in this study were supported. Finally, substantial suggestions were proposed for follow-up academic studies and practical applications, especially for financial meltdown. Keywords:leadership competency, organizational culture, goal-setting, efficacy,competitiveness, performance. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學研究所 95752011 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095752011 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [心理學系] 學位論文
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