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    Title: 整合過程的贏家與輸家:美古、美波與兩岸的比較個案研究
    Winners, Losers, and Integration Relations: Lessons from US-Cuba, US-Puerto Rico, and China-Taiwan Dyads
    Authors: 柏傑士
    Baldus, James
    Contributors: 耿曙
    Keng, Shu
    Baldus, James
    Keywords: 兩岸
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 20:33:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: This project synthesizes functional and economic theories of integration to analyze three cases: United States and Cuba, United States and Puerto Rico, and China and Taiwan. This project posits that the final determining factor for integration of two entities lies primarily with the economic conditions for the mass populous in the smaller entity. In a society, those who gain the most through interactions with another will support increased interactions with that entity, whereas those who do not gain or lose via these interactions do not support and oppose increased interactions. The tipping point in either direction is near half of the populous.
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