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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/36994

    Title: 企業赴海外上市之動機、地點選擇及效益之探討(以台商為例)
    Motives,Selection and Impacts of Enterprise Go Listing Abroad--A Case Study of Taiwan Enterprises
    Authors: 譚家典
    Tan, Chia Tien
    Contributors: 沈中華
    Shen, Chung Hua
    Tan, Chia Tien
    Keywords: 海外上市
    Listing abroad
    Hong Kong IPO
    Mainland China A-share IPO
    Singapore IPO
    U.S.A. IPO
    Vietnam IPO
    Thailand IPO
    listing motive
    listing place
    listing benefit
    statistics of stock exchange
    listing rules
    listing system
    Taiwan enterprise
    fund raising
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 20:24:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究針對企業赴海外上市決策面的三個構面進行探討並以台商為例,首先是探討企業赴海外上市前的動機為何,其次是企業如何選擇海外上市的地點,最後探討這些企業赴海外上市後的效益,也就是企業在海外上市的前、中、後三個不同階段所可能遭遇到的問題進行實務的探討,並以多重個案分析與類型比對的方式,以及一些台商上市現況的統計數字,希望以過去文獻中曾探討的議題來加以研究。
    The research discusses three perspectives on the decision of enterprise go listing abroad and takes Taiwan enterprise as an example. Firstly, to study what are the motives of enterprises go listing abroad. Secondly, to research how enterprises choose listing place abroad. Finally, to discuss the benefits of these enterprises after go listing abroad. That is to say, to discuss the practiced issue that enterprise might encounter with the problems in the three different stages which before, in, after they go listing abroad, and analyze by way of pattern match, and the statistics of present status of some listed Taiwan enterprises with multiple cases, hope to research on the subjects has been discussed in the literature in the past.
    Because similar researches emphasize three stock markets in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China in the past, in order to expand the scope, especially from the top ten area invested by Taiwan enterprise at present, choosing six comparatively important area, including Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, U.S.A., Vietnam, Thailand, and study the present situation of the already locally listed Taiwan enterprises, find the most ones from the local listed Taiwan enterprise`s affiliated industry, choose the representative company, proceed with case study and comparative analysis.
    Find from case study, the motives of enterprises go listing abroad are " Contribute to exploit the overseas market " and " It is apt to recruit outstanding talents " the operation motives are more; the choices of enterprises’ overseas listing places, mostly because "Liquidity and scale and p/e ratio of stock market" and " Restriction on funding usage " ; and the benefits after listing abroad as for enterprises are " Improve company`s reputation " and " Contribute to the product’s selling " In addition, the research shows shareholder`s wealth increased apparently after listed in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
    Finally, the research suggests enterprises while choosing the listing place abroad in the future, it is considered and evaluated that should be in many aspects, not to determine the overseas listing place of enterprises alone simply rely on some factors, should think carefully in where to go listing is the most favorable to enterprise itself in terms of every interested party.
    Reference: 中文部份
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    1 上海證券交易所 http://www.sse.com.cn/
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094932202
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