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Title: | 資通訊科技(ICT)服務業客戶滿意度之跨國比較- 以亞太地區市場為例 Customer Satisfaction of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Services- The Comparison in Asia Pacific Countries |
Authors: | 王宏任 Wang, Benjamin |
Contributors: | 于卓民 Yu, Chwo Ming 王宏任 Wang, Benjamin |
Keywords: | 資通訊科技 資訊服務 客戶滿意度 顧客服務 亞太地區 跨國比較 Information Communication Technology Iinformation Service Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction Asia Pacific MNC Comparison |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 20:23:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 立足台灣,前瞻兩岸,放眼全球已經不再是台灣企業的未來策略方針了,而是台灣企業已陸續進入目標市場,進行開發和建立成長的階段中。近年來,全球貿易經濟加速全球化,跨國企業無不把握市場脈動,提早卡位捷足先登。台灣的企業也由製造、貿易、行銷到服務的轉型過程,提升自有品牌的附加價值,以便在握有許多產品的供應鏈優勢上,建造一條更順利又長遠的成長到路。尤其在高科技的資通訊產品,台灣有具有重要的全球地位。從代工到研發創新的轉變,使台灣的品牌,在激烈的全球化競爭下,已漸漸戴上的一道光環,那就是市場價值。
在拓展全球市場的同時,如何在起步較晚的狀況下,超越歐美、日本的國際企業,開創出新一代的優勢競爭模式,取得市場先機,強化企業組織效能,網羅培育各地人才,提供滿意的顧客服務品質,創立長遠的品牌價值。在Ben Q併購西門子的經驗,莫不是台灣企業整體的學費成本,在國際化的競合腳步快速邁向前的科技網路時代,如何培養更多的國內外人才來迎接這個台灣優勢,順利去延展我們的國際市場,相信對於國際市場的研究,台灣應該有更多的用心與重視。今年初,在美國航空公司JetBlue的誤點意外,對客戶滿意度造成衝擊的案例,引起媒體大眾和政府的關注,這對於在國際上正在開疆闢土的台灣企業,應該引以為戒,並在相關的國際市場顧客行為研究,應該同時給予相對的投入與支持。
吾人希望藉對於資通訊服務業在國際市場的客戶滿意度比較研究,探討相關在產業市場對科技服務的客戶行為,同時選擇一個全球型的國際企業,並且擁有各國子公司的資通訊科技的系統整合服務業者進行相關的個案研究,而調查訪談的對象,屬於跨國企業(MNCs)的經營模式超過一半,分布於不同產業。考慮如何透過提供資通訊的科技軟硬體產品與服務,經由銷售、解決方案、諮詢、設計、專案管理、安裝建置、維護到客服服務的各項服務功能,對於亞太地區13國家200個的主要客戶,進行客戶滿意度的調查和研究。預期從這些相關的分析探討,深一層比較研究各國的客戶在滿意度是否有差異?而藉此訪談的過程,收集分析影響客戶滿意度的因素為何? 本研究共計分為五章,包含第一章 緒論、第二章 文獻探討、第三章 研究方法與架構、第四章 資料分析和第五章 結論與建議。期望這份研究,對於個案公司、相關業者和後續學術研究,都能提供一定的幫助。 Today, the rapid movement towards globalization has forced enterprises in Taiwan to transform from manufacturing, trading, and marketing type of business model to a more services oriented one. During the process of transformation, enterprises realize that increasing the value of private brand could bring them more competitive advantages in the supply chain, and ultimately create the market value which allows them to stand out in the severe competition of the global marketplace.
In recent years, customer satisfaction has become an important index to evaluate whether a product or commodity is being successful in the market. However, not many researches are focusing the satisfaction studies of the services or products provided by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry. As Taiwan has been the major export country of ICT products, a case study in the Asia Pacific market will help us understand more about the industry and provide more insights for Taiwan companies.
The paper will use a multinational company in the ICT industry to examine the key factors that impact the client satisfaction survey. Result shows that the gap between clients’ perceptions and expectations of service quality will vary based on products, services, level of usage, personal experience and organization. This fulfils the concept of P.Z.B. model and the theory of DeLone and McLean model of information systems success. Also cultural difference plays a significant role in the survey result and could lead to diverse interpretation of service quality. It is hoped that this paper could be a reference for ICT companies in Taiwan to understand clients in different countries, making them to gain better market value in today’s competitive global market. |
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