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    Title: 我國銀行保險監理法制之探討
    Authors: 吳佳寧
    Wu, Jia-Ning
    Contributors: 林建智

    Wu, Jia-Ning
    Keywords: 銀行保險
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 20:19:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國銀行保險起始於一九九○年代,正式發展則於二○○一年金融控股公司法通過之後,期間經過許多金融保險法規的修訂與鬆綁,使得我國銀行保險業務蓬勃發展。時至今日,銀行保險已成為壽險業界最重要之行銷管道。

    1. 銀行銷售保險商品之法律依據為何?
    2. 銀行保險業務究竟為銀行或保險公司業務?監理管轄如何劃分?
    3. 銀行保險業務發生法律爭議,銀行通路之責任歸屬是否明確?
    4. 銀行通路之權責是否與其實質利益相符合?
    5. 銀行轉投資保險經紀人或代理人公司是否妥當?
    6. 銀行銷售保險商品過程,消費者資訊及隱私權之保護是否產生缺漏?

    Bancassurance was introduced in Taiwan in the 1990s and officially recognized by the regulatory authority after the enactment of the Financial Holding Company Act in 2001. Thanks to a series of regulatory reforms and de-regulation, it grew significantly in business volume. Today, bancassurance is the most important channel for life insurance companies.

    In light of market practices, two kinds of business models are currently adopted by banks for their bancassurance business: i.e. investing insurance intermediary companies or signing marketing agreement. The former, a tripartite model, benefits banks indirectly to carry on bancassurance through their insurance intermediary (broker or agent) subsidiaries; the later, a bilateral model, means that banks can enter into an agreement directly with insurance undertakings to sell insurance products.

    Responding to the market practices, certain regulations for bancassurance are promulgated by the regulatory authority. However, there still exist some legal issues as obstacles and hurdles against the market, including the legal basis of bancassurance, the allocation of the regulatory jurisdiction, the accountability and responsibility of banks, the appropriateness of bank’s holding an insurance intermediary company, the leakage in the protection of consumers’ interests and privacy in sales and so on. It may result in negative impacts toward the protection of consumer interests, the development of the market, and the effectiveness of the supervision system if the aforesaid can not be clarified.

    It is submitted that the regulatory authority shall revise the relevant regulations to adjust operation mechanism in market, let banks operate the same as an insurance broker (or agent), and confirm that bank employee shall register as insurance solicitors of banks. Under such a scenario, banks could be fully responsible as a distribution channel, so that consumption issues could be avoided and an all-wins relation among consumer, bank and insurance company could be achieved.
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    1. 司法院大法官釋字293號。
    2. 中國輸出入銀行條例。
    3. 金管銀(2004)(六)字第0936000587號函。
    4. 金管銀(96)(一) 字第 09610000860 號。
    5. 金管銀(93)(一)字第 0938011562 號。
    6. 金融控股公司法。
    7. 金融控股公司之子公司進行共同行銷時之相關規範。
    8. 保險業務員管理規則。
    9. 保險代理人管理規則。
    10. 保險經紀人管理規則。
    11. 財政部(91)台財證(四)字第002313號規定。
    12. 財政部 (71)台財融第18326號函。
    13. 財政部 (70)台財融第40060號函。
    14. 財政部 (91)台財融(1)字第0911000120號函。
    15. 財政部金融局台融局(五) 字第 90733314 號。
    16. 電腦處理個人資料保護法。
    17. 電腦處理個人資料保護法施行細則。
    18. 銀行法。
    19. 銀行、保險公司、保險代理人或保險經紀人辦理銀行保險業務應注意事項。
    20. 銀行辦理財富管理業務應注意事項。
    21. 銀行辦理財富管理作業準則。
    22. 銀行辦理財富管理及金融商品銷售業務自律規範。
    23. 銀行對非財富管理部門客戶銷售金融商品應注意事項。
    24. 銀行對非財富管理部門客戶銷售金融商品作業準則。
    25. 銀行、證券商及保險公司等機構合作推廣他業商品或提供相關服務規範。
    1. 中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會網站,網址:http://www.lia-roc.org.tw/。
    2. Oxford English Dictionary online,網址:http://www.oed.com/。
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095358003
    Data Type: thesis
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