題名: | E化服務轉型與創新-不同社群結構下服務屬性吸引力探討 E-Service Transformation and Innovation - A Study for e-Service Attributes’ Attraction Under Different Community Structures. |
作者: | 費彥霖 Fei, Yen Lin |
貢獻者: | 苑守慈 Yuan, Soe Tysr 費彥霖 Fei, Yen Lin |
關鍵詞: | 服務科學 社會語意網路 吸引效果 service science semantic social network attraction effect |
日期: | 2007 |
上傳時間: | 2009-09-18 20:14:18 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 人類社會已邁入一個新的階段,而現階段的經濟特徵就是高度發達的服務產業。隨著網路科技進步,各式各樣的e化服務透過網路傳遞,在節省了時間與金錢成本,並提升了服務價值的同時,由於服務具有無形性、不可分離性、異質性及不可儲存性等特點,使得服務經營者也面臨空前激烈的競爭環境;然而在此同時,資訊科技的發展也進入Web2.0時代,強調互動、體驗以及共創價值。本研究在e化服務平台之上,以服務本體論為基礎,結合社會語意網路與認知科學,分析使用者群體基於相同服務需求所浮現出的使用者區隔,進行吸引效果與社會網路分析,建構一套提升服務對使用者的吸引力以及服務創新的轉型的方向,提供給服務經營者做為參考依據。本研究主要分為三個模組:Segmentation Module、Context Module、Analysis Module,在統一服務本體論描述的e化服務平台之上,基於相同服務需求所浮現出使用者區隔,基於吸引效果與社會關係改變服務組合,最後再分析服務使用者的選擇行為。本研究之預期貢獻為:(1)運用社會語意網路,以宏觀角度管理與挖掘使用者需求(2)運用認知科學之情境設計,突顯服務優勢,進而發展創新服務。 There is a growing market for services and increasing dominance of services in economies worldwide. Nowadays there are many services delivered through Internet which can decrease both service providers and customers’ time and money and increase the service value during service consumption. Differing from physical goods, the four characteristics of service (Intangible, heterogeneous, simultaneous production and consumption and perishable) make the service providers face a competitive environment. In the meanwhile, the concept of web2.0 focuses on interaction, experience, and co-production between service providers and customers in the Internet which can be seen as a platform. Consequently, this research would like to propose a model to help service providers to innovate services. Based on a service ontology and combination of semantic social network and perception science, the model has three steps. First, through semantic social network, emerge the customer segments based on the same need. Second, in order to sustain the service attraction to the customers, for the specific customer segment, manipulate the service choice set by the attraction effect way. Third, for service innovation and transformation, engage new necessary components which refer to resources in this paper. So the social network analysis may provide the guidance for the service providers to build up new services. This study has two research objectives: (1)Find and manage customer needs through semantic social network.(2)Keep the service attraction to the customers and build new services based on perception science and social network analysis. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 95356006 96 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095356006 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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