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Title: | 技術知識特質與團隊運作之探討-以台灣新藥研發專案為例 |
Authors: | 蔡宗儒 |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 蔡宗儒 |
Keywords: | 生技新藥 新藥研發流程 技術知識特質 專案團隊運作 New drug Drug development process Technological knowledge characteristics Project team management |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 20:09:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在學術領域之中,其過去對於新藥產業的研究大多集中於「新藥發展策略」、「產業環境分析」與「智慧財產權策略」等領域,而探討新藥研發各階段之團隊組成與運作模式的研究仍然極少。 本研究以個案訪談法為主要研究方式,深入探討兩家台灣新藥研發公司(包括基亞生技、台灣微脂體),並以『新藥研發流程』與『技術知識特質』兩個構面來探索其對於『新藥研發專案團隊運作』之影響。 所得到的初步研究發現包括: 1. 新藥研發專案各階段中,技術知識路徑相依程度與技術知識系統複雜程度呈現負相關,當路徑相依程度越高時,系統複雜程度則越低。 2. 新藥研發專案隨著階段的推進,專案團隊的組成與結構也會隨之產生變化,臨床前與臨床試驗皆有不同的團隊組成與結構。 3. 技術知識系統複雜程度會影響新藥研發團隊組成的異質/多元程度:技術知識系統複雜程度越高,其團隊組成的異質/多元程度越高。 4. 技術知識路徑相依程度會影響團隊採取何種團隊運作策略:(1)路徑相依程度愈「高」或是愈「低」,專案團隊會傾向採取「自行發展」的團隊運作模式;(2)路徑相依程度為「中」時,專案團隊會傾向採取先執行「初步研發」活動之後,再與外部廠商進行「合作研發」。 5. 技術知識路徑相依程度會影響新藥研發專案各階段的團隊類型:(1)技術知識路徑相依程度愈低,專案團隊會傾向採用「重量級」、「自主型」的團隊運作模式;(2)技術知識路徑相依程度愈高會傾向採用「功能型」、「輕量級」的團隊運作模式。 6. 技術知識內隱化程度愈高,該專案在團隊運作上愈容易將外部成員視為內部團隊,甚至在團隊組成上直接將外部成員納入內部團隊之中。 7. 在臨床試驗階段,試驗主持人的過往經驗為成功關鍵之一。 8. 新藥研發廠商若擁有先導研發的能力,可以減短研發時程與成本。 Most of previous the studies on pharmaceutical industry have been focused on the development strategy, environmental analysis and intellectual property. Very few of them emphasize the stage of new drug development concerning the project team management. This study uses technological knowledge characteristics (path dependence, complexity, and explicitness) and drug development process (drug discovery, non-clinical, pre-clinical, and clinical ) to explore the effect upon project team management. The result of this study: 1. In every stage of new drug development, the path dependence and the complexity of technological knowledge have significantly negative correlation. 2. When the new drug development project evolves into the clinical stage, the structure of project team will be different. 3. The complexity of technological knowledge can affect the composition of team members. If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the complexity of members is higher. 4. The path dependence of technological knowledge can affect the development strategy. If the path dependence is higher or lower, the team members prefer “inner development”. If the path dependence is medium degree, the team members prefer “primary inner development” and then “cooperative research and development”. 5. The path dependence of technological knowledge can affect the team structure. If the path dependence is higher, the enterprise prefers “Heavyweight team structure” or “Autonomous team structure”. If the path dependence is lower, the enterprise prefers “Lightweight team structure” or “Functional team structure”. 6. If the explicitness of technological knowledge is higher, the enterprise intends to recruit team member from outside. 7. In clinical stage, the practice investigator can be key person of the success. 8. If the enterprise has the ability of “primary inner development”, the time and the cost of the new drug development can be reduced. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理研究所 96359015 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096359015 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理研究所] 學位論文
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