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Title: | 部落格影音混搭著作權問題及因應之研究 The Research of Copyright Issues of Audio-Visual Mashups on Blogs |
Authors: | 黃曉薇 Huang, Hsiao Wei |
Contributors: | 劉江彬 Liu, Chang Bin 黃曉薇 Huang, Hsiao Wei |
Keywords: | 部落格 混搭 著作權 合理使用原則 創作共用 商業模式 Blog Mashups Copyright Fair Use Creative Commons Business Model CC |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 20:02:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著科技的進展,產生了許多新興的創作媒介與方式,使得終端的網路使用者不再甘於僅做為主流媒體所提供內容之接收者,也想進一步地成為內容的提供者,網路上混搭創作的興盛正是在此種潮流趨勢下的一種社會文化現象。網路混搭創作可依其創作內容之不同而區分為三種:網路混搭、影片混搭與音樂混搭;但其創作之方式都有一個共同的特徵:將不同來源之資訊、素材,經由混搭創作者發揮創意後,以嶄新面貌而呈現之作品。著作權制度之目的乃在促進人類智識文化之進展與累積,因此對於新興之網路創作也應賦予一定之保護,才能真正發揮著作權制度之功能。然而,現行著作權制度制定時並未充分考量到數位時代下各種創作方式與媒介之特性,所以並無法提供此類創作適當之保護。為了社會文化之發展,現行的著作權制度有其修正之必要,讓負責平衡公私益之合理使用原則能夠發揮其功能,而不再僅具有象徵性之意義,而是能更實際地落實保護之功能。此外,在現行著作權制度尚未修正前,本文也嘗試提出兩個體制內解決之方法:創作共用以及創新之商業模式。透過創作共用可以讓目前的著作權制度更有彈性;創新的商業模式則能讓所有著作權關係人能夠互利共生,更有助於問題之實際解決。 This thesis aims to study on copyrights concerning the mashups on blogs. The technology evolution brings about new media and new mode for creation and the end-users can both be the information recipients and providers. Mashups become one of the frequently adopted modes among the internet creation and the copyright of mashups call for a closer study. The main idea of mashups is to mash and recombine materials taken from different sources with the creator’s own creativity. Mashups are regarded as a creation, which requires legal protection. However, the protections for mashups and their creators in current laws are still incomplete and needed to be amended for a better environment for creators. Beside the amendment of copyright laws, other solutions are as well available, such as Creative Commons and new business models. Creative Commons provides authors with some licensing clauses, which helps to create a more flexible creative environment. On the other hand, a good business model could transform legal issues into a commercial opportunity and provide the best solution for all parties related. The first chapter of this thesis will outline the main purpose and possible contribution of this thesis. The second chapter will introduce the blogs. The introduction will begin with the streaming technology and concerning legal issues. Streaming technology is a crucial factor in the developments and the functions of blogs. Further on, the thesis will elaborates the history and future trend of blogs. In the third section of the chapter, some main copyright issues of blogs will be brought into discussion. The third chapter is the introduction of audio-visual mashups on blogs. The discussion begins with website mashup technology and the types of mashups. Remix Culture plays an important role in the development of mashups and its connection between audio-visual mashups on blogs will be elaborated. The chapter will also include some copyright issues of audio-visual mashups on blogs and a detailed discussion on the fair use doctrine of the current copyright law. The fourth chapter will focus on the Creative Commons and new business models, which should be an alternative solution beside the law amendments. The discussion will involve with an introduction about Creative Commons. The ccMixter and Jamendo can be taken as two examples of combination of Creative Commons and audio-visual mashups. The chapter will as well include some latest digital music business models and suggestions for future mashup business models. This thesis indicates the deficiency of current copyright laws concerning the protection of mashups and calls for attentions to the necessity of law amendments. In addition, the thesis propose two alternative solutions for the copyright dilemma: the Creative Commons and new business models, through which the mashups problems can hopefully dealt with in a more practical way. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 智慧財產研究所 93361017 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093361017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [Graduate Institute of Intellectual Property] Theses
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