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    Title: 訊息不對稱、信用擴張與次貸危機之研究
    The Research of Asymmetric Information, Credit Expansion and Subprime Mortgage Crisis
    Authors: 蔣怡菁
    Contributors: 胡聯國
    Hu, Len Kuo
    Keywords: 次級房貸
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 19:59:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 美國次級房貸市場快速信用擴張,解釋了何以美國次級房貸市場違約率快速上升、房價的泡沫化。而販賣次級房貸相關商品的金融界機構及所產生的道德危機,就是造成此次次級房貸危機的犯罪者。本研究主要目的之ㄧ,就是將對於美國次級房貸市場如何發展起來、次級房貸危機的起因與主因、及其對美國與其他國家的影響進行了詳細的闡述。
    <br> The rapid expansion in the supply of mortgages driven by disintermediation explains a large fraction of recent U.S. house price appreciation and subsequent mortgage defaults. And the moral hazard on behalf of originators selling mortgages is a main culprit for the U.S. mortgage default crisis. The first goal of this study is to explain what is subprime mortgage and investgate the causes of subprime mortgage crsis. And also show how this crsis affect this world.
    This study uses the U.S. Mortgage Real Estate Investment Trusts and Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts in Taiwan as empirical objects, and intends to understand how the credit expansion in house mortgage market and delinquency rates impact the risk premium of the Real Estate Investment Trusts. The result is both variables are not significantly positive effect on the risk premium of the Real Estate Investment Trusts in U.S. and Taiwan. And no matter the subprime mortgage crsis or the empirical results, we can explain these phenomenons by”Asymmetric information”.
    Reference: 一、中文部份
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095351033
    Data Type: thesis
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