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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/36838
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    Title: 從開放式創新觀點探討NTT DoCoMo平台型經營模式
    NTT DoCoMo’s Platform Business Model:Open Innovation Perspective
    Authors: 韓燕甯
    Han,Yan Ning
    Contributors: 管康彥
    Han,Yan Ning
    Keywords: 開放式創新
    Open innovation
    business model
    platform business model
    NTT DoCoMo
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 19:54:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在現今之行動通訊產業中,面對技術融合、顧客需求多樣化、快速創新的衝即,整個產業結構已發生了根本上的影響。傳統行動通訊產業中的線性價值鏈已不復見,而是重新聚合成全新的價值網,而這個新的價值網跨越了原本各自獨立的產業界線,並經由不同的連結方式,形成新的產業形態,展現出新的面貌。其中,更可以明顯發現,透過許多不同領域能力之結合,可以造就出許多新事業、新市場的誕生。據此,企業為了追求快速創新,便不可能僅憑一己之力,於內部發展出各式各樣之能力。反之,企業必須由外部擷取他人之力,再與內部核心能力結合,與外部關係人建立共生關係,最終達成多贏之局面。據此,Chesbrough (2003) 認為,企業過去「封閉式創新」的作法已不合時宜,未來必須走向「開放式創新」。
    本研究在文獻探討的部分,將焦點放在三大議題:開放式創新、經營模式與平台型經營模式。同時,選擇全球行動通訊產業的領導廠商 – NTT DoCoMo為個案公司,從1999年至2007年之公司資料中,歸納出個案公司的三大議題:發展歷程、經營模式與合作關係。
    Today, the mobile communication industry is faced with the impact of technology fusion, diversified customers’ demand and fast innovation; this industry already changed fundamentally. The linear value chain of traditional mobile communication industry is no more, instead, there is a whole new value net, which is connected in different way to become a new industry. From the result, through the combination of capabilities from different areas, it can lead to many new businesses and markets. According to the above, for the purpose of fast innovation, companies are impossible to develop various capabilities all by themselves inside; instead, companies have to introduce other capabilities from outside and combine with their core capabilities. Through the establishment of ecosystem, it will lead to the all-win situation. According to the above, Chesbrough argues that the traditional close innovation is no more, it is the age of open innovation.
    In this research, the literature review focuses on three issues: open innovation, business model and platform business model. Meanwhile, this research chooses the global leading company in mobile communication industry – NTT DoCoMo as the case company and the case study focuses on three issues: history, business model and collaborative relationships.
    This research reaches three conclusions. First, platform business model can help companies connect with the environment effectively and timely. Second, open innovation includes two different concepts: open and closed at the same time and these different concepts should be applied to different capabilities. Third, business model is composed of many aspects, and different aspects should be developed by different concepts. Forth, open business model’s paradigm is platform business model and two of platform business model’s fundamental forces are attraction and predomination.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095355030
    Data Type: thesis
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