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    Title: Functions of the Use of English in Advertising: A Content Analysis of Taiwanese Magazines
    Authors: 萩原茂樹
    Shigeki Jack Hagihara
    Contributors: 鄭怡卉
    Cheng, I-Huei
    Shigeki Jack Hagihara
    Keywords: advertising
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 19:46:24 (UTC+8)
    The purpose of this study is; to review literature on bilingual speech and advertising and summarize the functions of the use of English in advertising; and conduct a content analysis to study the functions in print advertisements in two Taiwanese magazines (ViVi and Business Weekly) as well as to find correlations between advertisement attributes (country-of-origin, parts of an ad, product categories, and advertising appeals) and the functions.

    First, past literature in advertising and linguistics are reviewed. In summary, there are six code-mixing functions of the use of English in advertising in linguistic aspects, which include: 1) Referential Function, 2) Poetic Function, 3) Direct Quotation Function, 4) Reiteration Function, 5) Ease of Expression Function, and 6) Euphemism Function. Then, print advertisements in two Taiwanese magazines (ViVi and Business Weekly) will be analyzed in the content analysis. There are five research questions: 1) To what extent are the functions of the use of English present in print ads in magazines?, 2) Are there any correlations between country-of-origin and the functions?, 3) Are there any correlations between the parts of an ad and the functions?, 4) Are there any correlations between product categories and the functions?, 5) Are there any correlations between advertising appeals and the functions?

    The content analysis showed that all six functions were present in print advertising in Taiwan, with Ease of Expression Function to be the most frequent one, and Euphemism to be the least. The results also showed that there are correlations between the parts of an ad (slogan, headlines and subheadlines, and body copy) and the functions, but no correlations were found between country-of-origin and the functions, or between advertising appeals and the functions.
    Reference: References in English Language
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    References in Chinese Language
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    References in Japanese Language
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095461017
    Data Type: thesis
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