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    Title: An XML-based Multidimensional Data Exchange Study
    Authors: 王容
    Wang, Jung
    Contributors: 諶家蘭
    Seng, Jia-Lang
    Wang, Jung
    Keywords: 資料倉儲
    Data Warehouse
    Multidimensional Data Model
    Data Cube
    Data Exchange
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 19:34:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在全球化趨勢與Internet帶動速度競爭的影響下,現今的企業經常採取將旗下部門分散佈署於各地,或者和位於不同地區的公司進行合併結盟的策略,藉以提昇其競爭力與市場反應能力。由於地理位置分散的結果,這類企業當中通常存在著許多不同的資料倉儲系統;為了充分支援管理決策的需求,這些不同的資料倉儲當中的資料必須能夠進行交換與整合,因此需要有一套開放且獨立的資料交換標準,俾能經由Internet在不同的資料倉儲間交換多維度資料。然而目前所知的跨資料倉儲之資料交換解決方案多侷限於逐列資料轉換或是以純文字檔案格式進行資料轉移的方式,這些方式除缺乏效率外亦不夠系統化。在本篇研究中,將探討多維度資料交換的議題,並發展一個以XML為基礎的多維度資料交換模式。本研究並提出一個基於學名結構的方法,以此方法發展一套單一的標準交換格式,並促成分散各地的資料倉儲間形成多對多的系統化映對模式。以本研究所發展之多維度資料模式與XML資料模式間的轉換模式為基礎,並輔以本研究所提出之多維度中介資料管理功能,可形成在網路上通用且以XML為基礎的多維度資料交換過程,並能兼顧效率與品質。本研究並開發一套雛型系統,以XML為基礎來實作多維度資料交換,藉資證明此多維度資料交換模式之可行性,並顯示經由中介資料之輔助可促使多維度資料交換過程更加系統化且更富效率。
    Motivated by the globalization trend and Internet speed competition, enterprise nowadays often divides into many departments or organizations or even merges with other companies that located in different regions to bring up the competency and reaction ability. As a result, there are a number of data warehouse systems in a geographically-distributed enterprise. To meet the distributed decision-making requirements, the data in different data warehouses is addressed to enable data exchange and integration. Therefore, an open, vendor-independent, and efficient data exchange standard to transfer data between data warehouses over the Internet is an important issue. However, current solutions for cross-warehouse data exchange employ only approaches either based on records or transferring plain-text files, which are neither adequate nor efficient. In this research, issues on multidimensional data exchange are studied and an XML-based Multidimensional Data Exchange Model is developed. In addition, a generic-construct-based approach is proposed to enable many-to-many systematic mapping between distributed data warehouses, introducing a consistent and unique standard exchange format. Based on the transformation model we develop between multidimensional data model and XML data model, and enhanced by the multidimensional metadata management function proposed in this research, a general-purpose XML-based multidimensional data exchange process over web is facilitated efficiently and improved in quality. Moreover, we develop an XML-based prototype system to exchange multidimensional data, which shows that the proposed multidimensional data exchange model is feasible, and the multidimensional data exchange process is more systematic and efficient using metadata.
    Reference: 中文參考文獻
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