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Title: | 廠商行銷投入對品牌權益影響長期觀點之研究 |
Authors: | 余主惠 |
Contributors: | 別蓮蒂 余主惠 |
Date: | 2001 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 18:52:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要是探討廠商各項行銷投入對於品牌權益影響之長期觀點,自的是想了解各個行銷活動如何影響消費者對品牌的喜好度及購買意願。探討的具體主題包括短期與長期的廣告量如何影響消費者的態度與行為,影響廣告效果之變數,以及其它的行銷活動的投入,對於消費者在品牌反應上之影響關係。 各個行銷活動的資料來源有兩個方面,一是潤利公司提供的1996年至2000之廣告數據,獲得各品牌之廣告量佔產品類別內的廣告比例。其它行銷活動的資料來源,則是採取企業問卷的方式,取得企業1996年至2000年對於旗下品牌之促銷與公關支出,以及行銷與公關部門平均部門人數與薪資等資訊。品牌權益的衡量方式,本研究採取的是行為面的衡量,搜集消費者對於品牌的喜好度與購買意願等資訊,做為品牌權益之衡量基礎,而此部份的資料來源是1997年至2001年E-ICP資料庫所提供五年消費者對品牌所有消費行為之調查。 研究結果發現,短期的廣告量對於消費者在品牌的喜好度與購買意願上有顯著的影響力,並且呈現遞增的效果,表示廣告佔比未超過某一個區間,則其在喜好指數以及購買指數之表現上,均呈現較低的水準,而當廣告佔比超過某一個區間水準之後,喜好指數以及購買指數增加的速度呈現遞增狀態。就長期而言,本研究發現即使企業無廣告支出,但消費者對於品牌仍有正面的態度以及購買意願,代表其它行銷活動對於品牌權益之建立亦有其顯著的效果。長期的廣告佔比對於品牌的喜好度以及購買意願均呈現正向之關係,在探討廣告的時間效果後發現,企業若每年投擲廣告預算,則在預算投擲的年份未超過某一個時點前,喜好指數以總指數的表現上,增加的速度均是呈現較低的水準,但是當年份超過某一個時點後,喜好指數以及總指數增加的速度呈現遞增狀態。 除此之外,本研究發現有兩項因素會影響廣告的效果,一是產品性質,二是競爭狀況。就產品性質而言,結果顯示非常購品之廣告效果,其喜好度的解釋力顯著高於購買意願,而購買指數則較適合解釋常購品。就競爭狀況而言,產品類別當中的廠商數目代表不同的競爭態勢,產業內的競爭廠商數目會影響廣告的效果,亦即廠商的數自愈多,有愈多比較的品牌呈現在消費者眼前,就使得愈多競爭品牌的廠商在做廣告時,使得廣告佔比影響消費者對於品牌的喜好程度降低,而在購買意願上則無顯著之影響。 在探討企業行銷活動人力資源的總投入量對於品牌權益的關係時,由於回收的問卷份數不足,無法支持本研究之假設。然而企業對行銷活動的人力上投入愈多,表示企業內部有更足夠的行銷人員,或是有更完善的薪資制度,以支持行銷人員在各個行銷活動上的表現,故企業行銷人員之人力資源投入,對於品牌權益之建立上有顯著的影響力。 研究結果建議企業在編列預算時,應了解消費者最低的知覺程度為何,因為消費者對於訊息接受度有層級上的效果,故短期而言,企業必須了解何種廣告水準可以顯著的影響消費者的喜好度以及購買意願,以重覆性的廣告累積消費者對於品牌反應。而能長期而言,廣告時問上的遞延效果會導致廣告播放某段時間之後,對消費者漸漸產生較顯著的喜好程度,因此企業應重視廣告長期的發展,重視廣告在長期對於消費者態度上的影響力。除此之外,企業在行銷活動資源上的配置上,應就不常購品、價格較為昂貴、以及購買時決策考量因素較多的產品,搭配其它的行銷活動,以促進消費者的購買意願。並且就長期而言,雖未有廣告支出,但是消費者對於品牌的喜好度以及購買意願有一定的程度,代表其它行銷活動對於品牌權益建立之效果,此結果顯示其它行銷活動的重要性,可供後續研究做深入的討論。 This study investigates the long-term impact of marketing inputs on brand equity. The purposes of the study include long-term and short-term effects of advertising on consumer attitude and behavior, and the effect of other marketing activities on brand reflection. The data sets employed in this study are provided by different sources. The Rainmaker International Group provides advertising volume for the year 1996 to 2000. Moreover, the questionnaire was applied as well to gather data of other marketing activities. They are the volume of sales promotion, public relationship, number of employee, and salary in marketing and public relationship departments. The Eastern Online provides the database of consumer`s preference and purchasing records during the year of 1997 to 2001. The results of this study show that advertising volume in the short-term has significant effect on consumer`s preference and purchase index. Advertising has an increasing effect. Before the threshold of advertising volume, consumer`s preference and purchase index are very low. After the threshold point, consumer`s preference and purchase index increases progressively. In the long-term, it is found that even if the firm has no advertising expenditure, consumers may still hold positive attitudes and purchase intention toward the brands for a while. The results also indicate that other marketing activities have significant effect on brand equity. The relationships between the advertising volume, preference and purchase index are positive. Also, when the firms have advertising expenditure every year but do not exceed a threshold, consumer`s preference and purchase index are very low. After the threshold of advertising period, consumer`s preference and purchase index increases progressively. In addition, different product types will influence advertising effect. For non-frequent purchased products, advertising has more effect on consumer`s preference index. On the other hand, advertising has more effect on consumer`s purchase index for frequent purchased products. The results of the study have several managerial applications. Consumers have the hierarchical effect on receiving message. In the short-term, firms should know the minimum threshold of consumer perception and repeat advertisement to accumulate consumer`s preference and purchase intention. On the other hand, because of the deferred effect, consumers will have more positive preference after a period of advertising. The firms should pay more attention on advertising for its long-term effects. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 89355007 90 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G91NCCU2092012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理學系] 學位論文
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