Abstract: | 本論文旨在研究一八九0年代至二十世紀初,俄國國內的財經與農業之改革。本文之財經改革研究是以十九世紀末期俄國著名的改革家謝爾蓋‧尤里耶維奇.維特(Sergei Yul`evich Witte, 1849-1915)為中心,而農業改革之研究主要是以彼得.阿爾卡吉耶維奇.史托里賓(Petr Arkad`evich Stolypin, 1862-1911)為中心。 長期統治俄國三百餘年的羅曼諾夫王朝,於一九一七年的革命爆發之後走入了歷史。羅曼諾夫王朝之所以被推翻,原因之一是人民不滿於沙皇政府的保守專制與腐敗無能。而維特的財經改革與史托里賓的農業改革,關係著俄國當時的社會脈動,尤其在人民對沙皇不滿情緒逐日高漲的時期,兩人的改革攸關人民對沙皇的支持與否。而且,兩人改革的時問與俄國沙皇政權結束的時間,有著密切的前後關聯性,因此兩人的改革對帝俄末期發展至關重要。 本論文主要探討的中心問題為:是否維特的財經改革與史托里賓的農業改革成功,革命就不會發生?俄國在二十世紀初羅曼諾夫王朝結束之前,不到二十年的時間襄,就發生了兩次革命:一九○五年革命和一九一七年二月革命。這兩次革命都有工人與農民參與,他們對政府都有強烈的不滿。表示他們長期受到了壓迫,政府雖有進行改革卻未能消弭他們的積怨。因此,俄國政府所實施的與工人與農民有密切關係的財經農業改革,在帝俄末期仍無法滿足人民的需求。若人民的需求得以獲得滿足,革命可能就不會發生。 本論文將分五章來探討。第一章為緒論,說明研究目的與研究動機、文獻回顧、研究途徑與研究方法、研究架構。第二章為時代背景,將維特與史托里賓改革時的國內環境與國際環境作一粗略簡介。本章分為二節:分別為俄國國內環境與國際環境之簡述:第三章為維特經改之研究。本章共分為三節:分別為維特生平之簡介、維特實施財經改革之內容以及評價。第四章為史托里賓農改之研究。本章共分為三節:分別為史托里賓生平之簡介、史托里賓實施農業改革之內容以及評價。第五章為結論,總結本論文經研究後所得之結果。 This thesis is to discuss the economic reform and agrarian reform in Imperial Russia from the 1890s to the beginning of the twentieth century. In the thesis I research the economic reform which was implemented by Sergei Yul`evich Witte (1849-1915) who was famous as a Russian reformer in the end of nineteenth century, and the agrarian reform which was implemented by Petr Arkad`evich Stolypin (1862-1911). Romanov Dynasty which had reigned Imperial Russia for more than three hundred years was collapsed after the Revolution of 1917. The one of the reasons why Romanov Dynasty was collapsed was people`s dissatisfaction with Russian government`s autocracy, conservatism, corruption and incapability. Witte`s economic reform and Stolypin`s agrarian reform had influences on the social tendency in Imperial Russia at that time. Especially when people had more and more dissatisfaction with Tsar, Witte`s economic reform and Stolypin`s agrarian reform related with the degree of people`s support to Tsar. Furthermore, the time ofWitte`s economic reform and Stolypin`s agrarian reform was close to the time of Tsar regime`s termination. Therefore, their reforms played vital roles in the development of the last phase of Imperial Russia. The discussion centered on the most important question: if Witte`s economic reform and Stolypin`s agrarian reform had been successful, the February Revolution of 1917 did not happened to the nation. Before the end of Romanov Dynasty, not till twenty years, there were two revolutions - the Revolution of 1905 and the February Revolution of 1917. Workers and peasants took part in the two revolutions because they had strong dissatisfaction with the government. It represented that they had been oppressed by the government for the long time. Although the government implemented the reforms,the government could not decline their accumulated rancor. Thus, their reforms which connected with workers and peasants still could not meet people`demands. If the government had been able to meet people` demands, the February Revolution of 1917 did not happened to the nation. This thesis will be discussed in five chapters. Chapter I is introduction: it will explain the purpose, motivation, method, documents and framework of this thesis. Chapter 2 contains background. It briefly introduces the domestic situations and the international conditions when Witte and Stolypin reformed. In the Chapter 3, I research Witte`s economic reform. There are three sections in this chapter - the synopsis of Witte`s life, the contains of Witte`s reform and criticism. In the Chapter 4, I research Stolypin`s agrarian reform. There are three sections in this chapter - the synopsis of Stolypin`s life, the contains of Stolypin`s reform and criticism. Chapter 5: conclusion. |