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Title: | 自殺企圖者的素質探討--以TPQ為例 |
Authors: | 蔡靜怡 |
Contributors: | 許文耀 蔡靜怡 |
Keywords: | 自殺企圖 素質 TPQ |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 18:33:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據素質-壓力模式(diathesis-stress model)的觀點指出,素質是增加自殺危險的脆弱特質,個體若具有容易引發自殺的脆弱特質,一但面臨重大的壓力,就容易發展出自殺意念及自殺行為。因此探討素質如何使個體進入自殺歷程,對於自殺預防將有很大的助益。
本研究的目的是探討曾有自殺企圖的受試者與未有自殺企圖的受試者在人格特徵上的差異。受試者是133位曾發生自殺行為的自殺企圖者與133位與有自殺企圖的受試者在性別及年齡上配對的控制組,受試者皆完成三向度人格問卷(Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire,TPQ)、自殺危險程度量表(Scale of suicidal risk),以及貝氏憂鬱量表(Beck depression inventory,BDI)。
According to the diathesis-stress model, diathesis is persistent vulnerability to increase the risk of suicide. Individuals who own the trait of diathesis have been viewed as especially vulnerable to develop the suicidal behaviours when they experience high stress. For suicide prevention, it will be helpful to understand how the diathesis cause individuals enter the suicide process.
The purpose of this study was to examine the difference between suicide attempters and normal controls in personality characteristic. Subjects were 133 suicide attempter with a history of suicide behaviours and the same number sex- and age-matched normal controls. Subjects completed a questionnaire consisting of Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ), Scale of suicidal risk, and Beck depression inventory(BDI).
Significant correlation was found among harm avoidance(HA),novelty seeking(NS) and suicide ideation,depression. Conditional logistic regression analyses has been conducted to predict the risk and protective factors of attempted suicide, and it was found that the high harm avoidance was significant risk, but the low novelty seeking was protective. However,the interaction between low novelty seeking and high harm avoidance was significant, when both of them show up, it would be under high suicide risk. |
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