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    Title: 全員品質管理與360度回饋知覺、滿意、行為改變、與績效提升之實證研究
    The longitudinal field study of TQM with 360 degree feedback perception, satisfaction, behavior change and Performance improvement
    Authors: 葉益昌
    Yeh, Yih-Chang
    Contributors: 張裕隆
    Chang, Yu-Loong
    Yeh, Yih-Chang
    Keywords: TQM才能
    total quality management competency
    360 degree feedback
    procedure perpection
    360 degree feedback satisfaction
    behavior change intention
    behavior change
    performance improvement
    Date: 2000
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 18:30:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究為一縱貫性之實證研究,主要目的是透過分析兩年360度回饋的資料,進一步探討全員品質管理才能對360度回饋公平知覺、滿意度、行為改變、與績效提升的影響。
    Reference: 一、中文部分
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