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Title: | 模糊期望值及其在財金預測之應用 |
Authors: | 廖欽等 |
Contributors: | 吳柏林 廖欽等 |
Keywords: | 模糊時間數列 預測 模糊期望值 我國集中市場加權股價指數 匯率 Fuzzy time series forecasting fuzzy expectation value Taiwan Weighted Stock Index Exchange Rate |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 18:28:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於電腦革命的成功,在短暫的幾年之間,更加速了經濟的成長,而金融的投資分析,是社會經濟發展的原動力,因此研究這方向的財務數學也相對的提高了專家、學者的研究熱潮。就以股票、匯率市場來說,如果能比别人早一步掌握行情走勢,就能獲得較高的利潤。但影響股價、匯率波動的因素很多,尤其是在複雜多變及不確定性的資訊下。因此;如何進行更精確的趨勢分析與預測,是本文研究的主題。由於,傳統的期望值是二元的邏輯思考(非1即0),比較無法符合多變與不確定的財金問題,因此本文考慮以模糊統計方法,以模糊期望值的方法來作趨勢分析與預測,期望能對複雜多變的財金體系提共一套更精確合理的投資分析方法,可以提供投資者更多的訊息,做出明確的抉擇。最後;以我國集中市場加權股票指數、台幣對美元匯率及台積電股價為例,做一實例上的詳細探討。 Based on computer revolutionary coming off, economics grows fast in previous several years, then the investment analyze of finance is the impetus of development of society economic. Therefore, many experts and scholars are interested in the research of financial mathematics. Taking stock market and exchange market for example, if you can predict the future trend of market, you obtain more profit. However, there are many factors that act on stock prices and exchange rate. Especially, the market information is complicated and incomplete. How to go along accurate trend analysis and divination is the important point of the text research.
Because traditional expectation value is dibasic logic thought (either 1 or 0), that can’t conform to the highly changeable and uncertain finance problems. For this reason, in this research we propose an integrated procedure for fuzzy expectation value modeling and forecasting through fuzzy relation equations. We apply this technique to construct a fuzzy expectation value model for Taiwan Weighted Stock Index and exchange rate and forecast future trend. We strongly believe that this model will be profound of meaning in forecasting future trend of financial market. 目錄
2.1 模糊統計分析……………………………………………………………6
2.2 模糊時間數列之預測……………………………………………………7
3. 有關模糊期望值的一些性質……………………………………………13
4.1-1股票加權指數資料分析一 ……………………………………………17
6、參考文獻…………………………………………………………………57 |
Reference: | 6、參考文獻 吳柏林, 廖述健 (2001). 模糊統計分析及其在社會調查之應用. 阮亨中, 吳柏林 (2000). 模糊數學與統計應用. 台北:俊傑書局. 吳柏林(民83):模糊統計分析:問卷調查研究之新方向。國立政治大學研究通訊,2,65-80。 吳柏林(民85):社會科學研究中的模糊邏輯與模糊統計分析。中國統計通訊,7(11),14-27。 陳忠慶, 林奇芬 (1998). 國內共同基金選購指南. 台北:原富文化. 王文俊 (1997). 認識Fuzzy. 台北:全華書局. 黃仁德, 吳柏林 (1995). 臺灣短期貨幣需求函數穩定性的檢定. 模糊時間數列方法之應用. 臺灣經濟學會年會論文集. 169-190. 藎壚 (1991). 實用模糊數學. 台北:亞東書局. 陳妙珍、顏上堯、林忠機(民85):模糊多屬性決策於股票評選之應用。管理科學學報,13(2),227-248。 闕頌廉(民83):應用模糊數學。台北市:科技圖書股份有限公司。 吳柏林、曾能芳(民87):模糊迴歸參數估計及在景氣對策信號之分析應用。中國統計學報,36(4),399-420。 吳柏林、林原宏、鄭舜仁(2002):模糊眾數及其在教育與心理評量分析之應用 何曉緯(民91):模糊中位數及其在財金與經濟分析之應用。國立政治大學統計所碩士論文。 吳柏林、林玉鈞(2000)模糊時間數列的分析與預測。中國應數學報 Clymer, J. P. Corey, and J. Gardner(1992),“Discrete Event Fuzzy Airport Control,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 22(2), 343-351。 Cutsem, B. V. and I. Gath (1993),“Detection of Outliers and Robust Estimation Using Fuzzy Clustering,”Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 15, 47-61。 . Cutsem, B. V. and I. Gath (1993),“Detection of Outliers and Robust Estimation Using Fuzzy Clustering,”Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 15, 47-61。 Dubois, D. & Prade, H. (1991) Fuzzy sets in approximate reasoning, Part 1: Inference with possibility distributions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 40, 143-202. Hathaway, R. J. and J. C. Bezdek (1993), “Switching Regression Models and Fuzzy Clustering,”IEEE Transactions of Fuzzy Systems, 1, 195-204。 Hendershot, G. & Placek,P.(Eds)(1981) Predicting Fertility. Lexington,MA:health and Co Lowen, R. (1990) A fuzzy language interpolation theorem. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 34, 33-38. .Romer, C., A. Kandel, and E. Backer (1995), “Fuzzy Partitions of the Sample Space and Fuzzy Parameter Hypotheses,”IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 25 (9) , 1314-1321。 Ruspini, E. (1991) Approximate Reasoning: past, present, future. Information Sciences. 57, 297-317. Song, Q. & Chissom,B.S.(1993),“Fuzzy time series and its models,”Fuzzy Sets and Systems,54,269-277。 Song, Q. & Chissom,B.S.(1994),“Forecasting enrollments with fuzzy time series – part II,”Fuzzy Sets and Systems,62,1-8。 Wu, B. & S. Hung(1998), “A fuzzy identification procedure for nonlinear time series: with example on ARCH and bilinear models,” Fuzzy Set and System.(will appear) Wu, B. & M. Chen(1998), “Use fuzzy statistical methods in change periods detection,” Applied Mathematics and Computation.(will appear) Yoshinari, Y., W. Pedrycz, and K. Hirota (1993), “Construction of Fuzzy Models through Clustering Techniques,”Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 54, 157-165。 |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 應用數學研究所 90751016 92 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090751016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [應用數學系] 學位論文
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