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Title: | 中小學網頁設計績優教師及其相關因素之研究 Factors Related to Teachers` Excellence in Homepage Design |
Authors: | 吳子超 |
Contributors: | 吳靜吉 吳子超 |
Keywords: | 網頁設計績優教師 電腦教師 電腦進修 電腦態度 教學創新行為 |
Date: | 2000 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 18:19:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在比較網頁設計績優教師和一般教師在背景因素、電腦相關進修、電腦態度、外在環境覺知與教學創新行為上是否有顯著差異。本研究質、量研究法並行;量的部分以設計校園網頁、製作課程網頁、指導學生參與網頁競賽之教師為樣本,依其網頁製作分為參賽得獎(n=134)、參賽未得獎或製作未參賽(n=125)、一般教師(n=181)三類教師。其中參賽得獎教師部分又依其得獎項次分為一項得獎(n=88)、二項得獎(n=30)、三項得獎(n=17),而與完全未得獎教師(n=305)做比較。從問卷中另外又可將樣本依其電腦教師資格與否分為電腦教師(n=135)與非電腦教師(n=305)兩類教師做比較。這些教師分別接受「電腦進修問卷」、「電腦態度量表」、「教師教學創新行為量表」填答。
訪談發現,目前國內教師在進修上面臨著調課補課的問題,在工作過量又無代課教師的情形下,電腦教師往往因為調課問題而羈絆進修。電腦團隊在教學、推廣、減輕工作量上可以有效減輕教師負擔,一般教師之電腦研習也可以利用電腦團隊為種子教師而增進其電腦智能。培育教師製作優質教學網頁可以抽取有教學內容教師密集訓練;或提供簡易套裝模式,讓教師了解如何使用後,再慢慢提昇更高深技巧。目前政策面存有「口號與精神」的做法,致使對資訊教學產生負面影響;而九年一貫課程由於將資訊教育濃縮為一小部份,可能會影響學生學習電腦資訊的能力。 The purpose of this study was to compare three groups of teachers on their background, computer attitude, ways of learning computer skills, and innovative teaching behavior. The first group of teachers consisted of those who had won at least one award for designing a homepage for themselves or for their school, or for advising students about the design of a website/homepage(n=134). The second group was comprised of those teachers who had homepage design experience but had not participated in or had not won any competition(n=125). The third group of teachers did not have any homepage design experience(n=181). All teachers were administered the "Innovative teaching behavior scale", "Computer attitude Scale", and "Ways of learning computer skills Questionnaire".
The results showed that the award-winning teachers tend to be male teachers with science and engineering backgrounds who teach at the vocational high school level. They were also significantly more innovative in their teaching behavior than their counterparts, and significantly less anxious about, and more confident toward, computers. They showed significantly more liking for computers and perceived computers to be more useful. They worked significantly more hours and used the Internet more frequently. More of them felt received support from their school, and that the school’s computer equipment was adequate. They had more colleagues in their work team.
There are in general four ways of learning computer skills:learning by doing, attending courses/workshops conducted on campus, attending courses/workshops off campus, and learning from peers. The award-winning teachers had significantly more experiences in learning by doing and attending courses on and off campus, but not in learning from peers.
This study also selected three award-winning teachers (2 male, 1 female) for depth interviews. The results tended to validate the Quantitative Study. They did express something more delicate than the Quantitative analysis. For example, they had strong motivation to further their knowledge of using computer as a tool to improve teaching. But in practice, it is difficult for them to get away from work. The workload and the substitute teachers’ pay were only a few examples of the difficulties they faced. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育研究所 88152023 89 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2002001065 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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