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Title: | 幼稚園園長持續專業發展之研究 |
Authors: | 趙翠麗 |
Contributors: | 陳木金 趙翠麗 |
Keywords: | 幼稚園園長 持續專業發展 專業能力 Kindergarten director Continuing professional development Professional competence |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 18:19:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討幼稚園園長持續專業發展與園長專業能力的關係。本研究方法為文獻分析法、問卷調查法及同步訪談。問卷調查樣本以台灣地區宜蘭縣、基隆市、台北縣、台北市、桃園縣之公私立幼稚園園長為研究對象,共592人,樣本回收297份,可用296份,可用率達50%。訪談對象為3位現職之公私立幼稚園園長。研究工具包含「幼稚園園長持續專業發展調查問卷」、「幼稚園園長專業能力調查問卷」「幼稚園園長持續專業發展之研究訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析及內容分析等方法進行分析討論。根據研究結果及分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 一、幼稚園園長持續專業發展,以「確認及分析持續專業發展需求」向度得分最高,而「監控及評估持續專業發展後之影響」向度得分最低 二、幼稚園園長專業能力的現況得分程度佳,並以「專業責任」能力表現最佳 三、園長背景變項中,年齡、園所性質對知覺園長持續專業發展的差異達顯著水準,但最高學歷、服務年資、園所區域未達顯著差異 四、園長背景變項中,年齡、服務年資、園所性質,對知覺園長專業能力的差異達顯著水準,最高學歷、園所區域未達顯著差異 五、幼稚園園長對持續專業發展得分程度高分組者,在園長專業能力的得分顯著優於中、低分組,中分組又顯著優於低分組 六、園長持續專業發展與園長專業能力間呈顯著正相關 七、園長持續專業發展對園長專業能力具有預測作用 最後,本研究依研究結果,提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、依班級規模建立園長專任制度,走向專責專職 二、建立園長儲訓制度與持續專業發展評估輔導機制 三、與學術機構合作,暢通持續專業發展管道 貳、對幼稚園園長的建議 一、檢視自我專業能力之優劣勢,作為進修研習之參考依據 二、組成參與園長專業社群,以增進經驗交流、互動與成長 The main purpose of this research is to study the relationship of kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development and professional competence. The research methods used was literature analysis, questionnaires investigation, and synchronal interviews. The research instrument was distributed to 592 kindergarten directors in Yilan Country, Keelung Country, Taipei City, Taipei Country and Taoyuan Country and 296 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Multiple Regression and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. Kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development “identifying and analyzing the need of continuing professional development” rank first and “monitoring and evaluating effect of continuing professional development” rank last. 2. All the kindergarten directors’ professional competence received a positive outcome and “professional responsibility” ranks the highest. 3. The kindergarten directors’ background demography age and kindergarten category of public or private incurred a significant difference with all the directors’ continuing professional development. 4. The kindergarten directors’ background demography age, years of service and kindergarten category of public or private incurred a significant difference with all the directors’ continuing professional development. 5. Kindergarten directors who got high score on the continuing professional development were gotten better score in the professional competence than low and middle ones, who got middle score on the continuing professional development were gotten better score in the professional competence than low ones. 6. The kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development is positively correlated with the professional competence. 7. The kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development could positively predict. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher propose some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “kindergarten directors”, hoping to benefit the of the school principal preparation systems in the future. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育所 94157013 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0941570131 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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