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Title: | 台灣IT廠商研發資本與生產效率之關係 |
Authors: | 許敬基 |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 許敬基 |
Keywords: | IT產業 生產效率 外溢效果 技術效率 IT industry R&D spending technical efficiency intra-industry spillovers technical inefficiency effect |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 17:54:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文研究目的,在於探討台灣資訊科技(information technology)產業廠商的研發資本存量及產業內(intra-industry)研發資本存量的外溢效果(spillover effect)對於生產技術效率的影響。文中所採用的資料,主要來自於台灣經濟新報資料庫及廠商的財務報表,利用1997-2003年402家於台灣證券交易所上市及上櫃廠商的財務資料,並對Battese and Coelli(1995)所提出隨機邊界生產函數(stochastic frontier production function)與技術無效率效果(technical inefficiency effect)模型,同時進行實證估計。本文主要研究發現為,不論是以整體IT產業的廠商來看,或是分別就電腦硬體產業、半導體產業、通訊產業及光電產業的廠商來看,產業內R&D資本的外溢對於廠商的生產技術效率有正向的影響。但廠商自身的R&D資本存量對於其生產技術效率卻無顯著的影響,而軟體產業的廠商,卻現負面影響。另外,台灣IT產業廠商亦存在著技術進步的情形,但其技術效率則隨著時間而遞減。再則,本文研究也發現,台灣的IT產業中,半導體產業的廠商在生產技術效率方面表現最好,光電產業的廠商則最差。此外,上市廠商的技術效率較上櫃廠商佳。而有在科學園區設立工廠的廠商,除了半導體產業的廠商之外,其他四個產業的在科學工業園區設立工廠的廠商生產技術效率與未於科學園區設立工廠的廠商並無顯著差異。 This paper aims to investigate the influence of and intra-industry spillovers of R&D spending on firm’s technical efficiency of production in Taiwan’s information technology (IT) industry. Firm-level panel data of 402 firms in IT industry from 1997~2003 provided by Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) data bank and the stochastic frontier production function and technical inefficiency function proposed by Battese and Coelli (1995) are adopted in this study. The primary finding of this study is that the intra-industry spillovers of R&D spending on firm’s technical efficiency exist in Taiwan’s IT industry. This finding also exists in sub-industries of IT industry: computer hardware industry, semi-conductor industry, software industry, telecom industry, and photoelectric industry. However, influence of R&D capital on firm’s technical efficiency is insignificant in whole IT industry in Taiwan. Besides, in the period, there are technical advancements in firms of whole IT industry. Finally, the performance of the IT firms inside the Science Park is insignificant better than the firms outside in terms of technical efficiency, but excluding semi-conductor firms. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 中山人文社會科學研究所 91261020 92 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0912610202 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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