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Title: | 電子銀行現況探討與使用者特徵分析 |
Authors: | 金芷瑋 Chin, Chih-wei |
Contributors: | 沈中華 金芷瑋 Chin, Chih-wei |
Keywords: | 電子銀行 自動櫃員機 電話銀行 網路銀行 實證研究 OLS |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 17:35:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘 要
電子銀行服務是指利用資訊科技取代人員作業,打破地理限制,提供全天候24小時不間斷的服務,讓客戶能擁有更多、更方便的服務管道。發展電子銀行能讓銀行得以降低營運成本,同時又能提高金融服務品質,故國內各家銀行紛紛推出電子銀行的服務策略。然而任何策略的成功與否,取決於是否廣為客戶所接受;因此,網路科技雖然改變了銀行的經營方式,但不論科技如何進展,依據客戶需求制訂業務發展方向仍是不變的準則。發展電子銀行服務必順落實顧客導客,所以規劃系統時,務必以客戶的需求為最終目標本。有鑑於此,本研究將針對電子銀行的經營現況進行探討,並以真正使用電子銀行的顧客為樣本採行實證研究,以了解使用電子銀行的客戶類型,期能區隔並篩選目標顧客,利於銀行進一步制定有效的經營策略,取得電子商務洪流中的競爭優勢。 Abstract
E-bank indicates the incessantly all-day service in which the personnel operation is replaced by information technology and the workplace is unrestricted. It provides the customers a more convenient channel of service. The development of e-bank can benefit the bank to lower the business cost and simultaneously to raise the quality of financial service. Consequently, every bank in Taiwan brings up the tactics of e-bank service. Nevertheless, the success of any strategy depends on whether the customers can accept it or not. In other words, although Internet technology transforms the operating style of bank, the unchangeable standard of business development is to meet clients’ demands. Since the development of e-bank needs to focus on customers, the ultimate goal of this service is to fulfill their requirements. Therefore, this thesis is the empirical study in which adopts people using e-bank virtually as the sample and aims to discuss the current development of e-bank. It functions to realize the categories of e-bank clients and thereby to distinguish and select the target customers, to help banks furthermore to set up effective business strategy, and to take a dominant position in the torrent of e-commerce. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 財政研究所 90255017 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090255017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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