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Title: | 銀行作業與服務委外的管理與監理 The Supervision and Management of Banking Outsourcing |
Contributors: | 黃仁德 王俊傑 Wang, Chun-Chieh |
Keywords: | 委外 |
Abstract: | 將銀行作業與服務委託予他人代為處理已是銀行為節省成本及改善作業與服務流程的最佳工具之一。目前的銀行愈來愈依賴各種委外模式,尤其是近年來美國與歐洲國家銀行委外大幅的成長,也帶動亞洲國家銀行競相仿效此一模式來促進經營效率與整體生產力,惟在享受委外的優點與利益之時,卻也帶給銀行諸如網路、交易、信譽等多種風險,本文舉出銀行於作業與服務委外過程中實際所發生的風險,讓銀行能更瞭解將作業與服務委外給委外供應者後可能面臨的重大風險。
最後,為了從激烈的金融競爭環境中脫穎而出,銀行董事會及高階管理階層應從確認委外需求、辨識委外風險、慎選委外供應者、至妥適管理委外供應者的每一階段都審慎以對;監理機關則應以風險導向的監理方式來檢視銀行的作業與服務委外,尤其應特別注意消費者保護及資訊保密的議題,如此方能創造成功的銀行作業與服務委外。 Outsourcing arrangements can help banks manage costs, obtain necessary expertise, expand customer product offerings, and improve services. While outsourcing to affiliated or nonaffiliated entities, it also introduces risks that financial institutions should address.
On supervising or managing outsourced activities of bank, regulator and bank should focus on the board of directors and senior management are responsible for understanding the risks associated with outsourcing arrangements and ensuring that effective risk management practices are in place. Once the bank has completed its risk assessment, management should evaluate service providers to determine their ability, both operationally and financially, to meet the institution’s needs. Contracts should be clearly written and sufficiently detailed to provide assurances for performance, reliability, security, confidentiality, and reporting. Banks should implement an oversight program to monitor each service provider’s controls, condition, and performance.
On offshore outsourcing, the bank should conduct adequate due diligence, manage risks appropriately, comply with applicable laws, and ensure access to critical information with respect to the services being provided by a foreign-based third party. Examination focus should be on the results of the bank’s due diligence, risk assessment, and ongoing oversight program as well as the internal and/or external audits arranged by the service provider or the bank. If warranted, the regulator may examine a bank’s outsourcing arrangement with a foreign-based service provider. If the provider is a regulated entity, then the regulator may arrange through the appropriate foreign supervisor(s) to obtain information related to the services provided to the bank, if significant risk issues emerge, to examine those services.
Work traditionally carried out by internal auditors of the bank is now done by independent public accounting firms and other outside professionals on audit outsourcing arrangement. However, potential conflicts of interest may arise if the outsourced auditing firm performs audit functions in addition to other audit services, such as providing the independent financial statement. To avoid this, accounting firms and other outside professionals should not act or appear to act in a capacity equivalent to a member of the client’s management or as a client employee.
On United States examination practice of outsourcing, key points of examination objectives are that determine the appropriate scope for the examination, evaluate the quantity of risk present from the institution’s outsourcing arrangements, evaluate the quality of risk management, discuss corrective action and communicate findings, determine requirements definition, due diligence, service contract, and monitoring service provider relationship(s). |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 92921049 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0929210492 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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