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    Title: 產業知識傳遞與空間外溢之研究--以台灣地區生物科技產業為例
    Authors: 黃昱虹
    Contributors: 邊泰明
    Keywords: 地理鄰近性
    geographical proximity
    industry`s network
    knowledge transmitting
    biotechnology industry
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 16:17:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在知識經濟時代中,經由知識的創造、傳遞與應用獲得創新、異質性的知識和技術,對於產業競爭力的提升具有關鍵影響力。而生物科技產業擁有知識密集、產學互動關係密切、重視創新研發活動的特性,亦與本研究關注知識創新活動相符。加上生物科技的發展,不僅是全球大力投入的新興高科技產業,同時也被定位成國家競爭力的新指標。
    During the era of knowledge-based economy, acquirement of innovative and heterogeneous knowledge by knowledge and technology creating , transmitting and using has key influence to improvement of industry`s competitiveness. Characteristics of Biotechnology industry, which conform to this research pays close attention to the knowledge innovation activity are knowledge -intensive , close interactions between industry – university and emphasizing innovative and research development .It is not merely a new developing Hi-Tech industry of global great input, but also the new index of national competitiveness at the same time .

    This thesis regards biotechnology industry as the research subject promptly, based on viewpoints of geographical proximity and networks to understand the relations between innovative actors -- firm, university and research institution -- and to construct out the route model of transmission through factor analysis and systematic analysis(SEM).According to route model , while observing in the activities of knowledge transmitting, find out the actors’ influence degree and exert a direct or indirect influence in the route model , and try to figure out geographical proximity may be complementary or substitute to the networks. Go still one step further to concern the structure analysis which among the firms, universities and research institutes.

    The result of study is found:
    1.The causality of knowledge transmission exists positively in the route to cause direct or indirect influences on knowledge acquiring and form the priority order .Only it influences knowledge to be obtained directly that the firms gather in firm`s model; geographical proximity and firm`s network influencing knowledge acquisition directly while learning to university and research institution`s model .
    2.In both route model, the university and research institution all act as leading actor in innovative activities.
    3.In firm`s model, the geographical proximity has complementary relations with the network, which has opposite relation in university and research institution`s model.
    4.The gathering in the geographical space has a very important position in the process of knowledge acquiring to all innovative actors.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093257021
    Data Type: thesis
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