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    Title: 運用社會資本對推動社區發展之研究
    Authors: 彭毓文
    Contributors: 賴宗裕
    Keywords: 社區發展
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 16:16:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 從聯合國開始推展社區發展時,台灣便隨即跟進推行社區發展的政策,但是過去主要以硬體改善的社區發展方式,產生難以順利動員社區民眾,並建立社區意識的問題。近年來社區發展政策的轉向,開始注重社區動員與社區意識的建立等方面;這樣的政策方向在環境變遷快速的都市社區中便可能遭受相當大的挑戰。
    一、 透過問卷調查與訪談結果,發現不同類型的社會資本,例如:友誼、信任、社區意識等,都是促使社區居民參與社區發展活動的原因。透過參與活動,社區居民的互動增加,居民之間的聯繫網絡擴大,會造成社會資本的厚實及再生,進而影響往後社區發展活動推行的順利與否。社區發展活動的舉辦,對於居民個人、社區發展協會以及社區整體社會資本的積累。
    二、 社區以外的協助,例如政府的輔助、法令的規範以及社區發展專家學者的指導,都可以讓社區發展協會,順利地推行社區發展工作。一旦成功地社區發展工作推行,動員社區居民參與社區發展活動,便會促成社會資本的厚實與再生,為往後的社區發展工作推動的順利與否,建立基礎。
    三、 透過本研究的調查與分析結果,本研究提出以下建議:(1)社區發展協會方面,應多舉辦社區發展活動,讓社會資本有厚實、再生的機會;(2)政府方面應多在各項軟硬體方面,充分協助社區發展協會執行相關的社區發展計畫;(3)透過法令的充分授權,讓社區發展協會有足夠的權限與自主性,考量社區的特色及情形,以便擬定合適的社區發展工作推行策略;(4)加速社區規劃師之培育,讓每個社區都能充分地獲得專業的指導,促進社區發展工作的推行效率。
    When the United Nations started to promote the concept of community development, Taiwan then immediately followed up. But in the past, Taiwan’s community development policy, mainly aimed at hardware improvement, had failed in mobilizing the community residents, and establishing the sense of community. In recent years, the policy has begun to focus on residents’ mobilization and the establishment of sense of community. Although this policy direction may be able to solve the problems above, the challenge just begins.
    Based on Social Capital Theory, this study takes the Zhongshun Community, a new unit in Taipei City, as a case study. This study is aimed to realize why social capital has helped the Zhongshun Community to put its community development plans into practice, and also to find out how social capital has been produced and strengthened throughout the community-developing process in Zhongshun Community. Within the conclusion, this study provides suggestions for the urban communities about how to benefit from the social capital when they carry out their community development programs.
    1. According to the survey in this case study, various kinds of social capital, such as friendship, trust, sense of community and so on, has helped making the residents be willing to participate in the Zhongshun Community’s community development activities, and vice versa. As a result, this community succeeds in carrying out its community development programs.
    2. Supports from the outside of the community, such as the financial supports from the government, may be helpful when the community executes its community development plans.
    3. This study provides several suggestions. For the communities, the more activities are held, the more social capital is produced or strengthened to help the community achieve development goals. For the authorities, providing full supports in laws, finance, and so forth, will help the communities to yield twice the result with half the effort when carrying out their community development plans.
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