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    Title: 創新環境、網絡與創新成效之研究
    Authors: 楊奕泠
    Yang, Yi-Lin
    Contributors: 邊泰明
    Yang, Yi-Lin
    Keywords: 知識外溢
    innovative environment
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 16:16:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 知識經濟的時代下,「創新」是廠商競爭力的關鍵指標,更是整個國家經濟發展的重要基礎,因此哪些因素會影響創新的表現便成為研究者所關心的議題。過去對創新的研究中,或從廠商個體的角度切入,觀察廠商的規模、產業別、員工人數等屬性差異對創新的影響;或從知識外溢的角度切入,觀察廠商與大學、研究機構等知識產生地之間的時間、空間距離對創新的影響;近期又有學者由網絡連結的角度,觀察廠商與其他行動者間的連結關係和互動合作與創新成效間的關連性。本研究的主要目的是希望結合前述三者,觀察不同外溢條件下,廠商網絡的互動連結和個體屬性如何影響其創新成效。
    Under the era of the kownledge economy, “innovation” is a key index of firm’s competitiveness and the foundation of the whole country’s economic, so researcher’s want to know which factors can influence firms’ innovation. In the past study on innovation, some observed the impacts on innovation of the attribute difference, such as scale, industry, number of employee, etc; some observes the firms, universities and research institutions to know the influence of knowledge spillover on innovation. What there were scholars by the angle that the network was linked, among the persons who observes the manufacturer and other actions linked the relation and cooperated interdynamically with the connecting with of closing among the innovative effect recently. The main purpose of this research is to combine three approach above and observe that under different conditions, how firm’s network linkage and individual attributes can influences its innovative.
    This research introduces network theory on the basis of knowledge spillover, under different situations of knowledge stock, the factor influencing the firm to innovate is different too. In the empirical, I divide 60 industry park into two kinds of different innovative environments by clustering, then examining that under different innovative environments, how the individual attribute factor of firms and the networks linkage impact the innovation. This study found it in individual attribute finally, three items , such as quality of employee, the existing patent of firms, set up R&Dt department, all has positive influence on innovative no matter in which kind of environment. The network linkage, it influences the innovative to some extent to only R&D network in the empricial analysis, the area plentiful in knowledge stock, R&D network can become the channel that tfirmsr obtain knowledge, and then improve the innovation; In the area not abundant of the knowledge stock, even if the firm sets up R&D linkgae, it is unable to get the knowledge and information that innovation needs from it. Finally we can find that the influence power of individual attribute factor is greater than the network linkage. According to the conclusion of this research, the government, while making the policy in the future, on one hand it strengthen firm to invest in R&D to innovate, on the other hand should try to guide firms to knowledge stock abundant area, and help them to set up the R&D linkage.
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