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    Title: 專業、民意與環境影響評估:環保署中央開發案例內容分析(1996-2005)
    Authors: 邱玲裕
    Contributors: 吳秀光
    Keywords: 環境影響評估
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:38:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 環境影響評估法自實施以來已屆滿十二年,該制度首開國內將民眾參與納入制度中之先例,原本其立意是讓與環境切身相關的民眾得以參與公共政策,以減少衝突,然而,民眾不滿審查結果的相關爭議卻未曾停歇,據此,本研究認為應該找出開發案例特性、參與方式與審查結論之間的關係,以增進對我國環評實務的瞭解。本研究是以環境影響評估資料庫中的書件查詢系統為研究對象,主要目的在於瞭解1996年至2005年行政院環保署所累積之中央開發案例之趨勢,以期對於參與程序做實證評估促使評估機制獲得社會的公平與信賴,減少抗爭衝突之發生。
    The law of environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been implemented for 12 years. EIA, in order to reduce the conflict by facilitating civil participation in the policy making process, is the first institution for civil participation in our country. However, people’s dissatisfaction with the results of the environmental impact assessment never ebbs. Accordingly, this study attempts to find out the relationship among the development cases, methods of civil participation and the deliberative results, in order to facilitate the understanding of the EIA in. Taiwan.
    The main purpose lies in understanding the trend of the deliberative result of the development cases in the environmental protection administration of the central government in Taiwan by means of assessing these cases, expecting to make the mechanism and its procedure trustworthy for society and reduce the emergence of the conflicts. The target of the study is 440 EIA cases from the electronic research system in the EIA database, from 1996 to 2005. To build evaluative items and check participatory pattern differences, the study is proposes three frames, including the participatory subjects, information disclosure and five major criterion of public opinion polls, followed by content analysis and data coding. After carrying out statistical analysis and comparison through the above framework, the officers were interviewed to verify and supply the previous results.
    After integrating quantitative and qualitative results, the results of this research are as follow:
    First, looking at the time period as a whole, nearly one half of the cases were held during a four year period (from 2001 to 2004); for organization of exploitation, the number of cases possessed by the government was as much as folk enterprise; for the classification of exploitation, the data showed that our country still stresses the development of hardware construction of the traffic; for the administrative areas of the exploitation base, obviously the cases polarize on the north and the south of the island; and the final conclusion of the examination show that 80% of the developing cases are being passed at the first stage of EIA.
    Second, the actual situation of legal ways of participating is that public explanation meetings were held more frequently than other ways; the rate of attendance of environmental protection group and scene inspection was low; people participated enthusiastically in public explanation meetings; and there was difference of participation (participating) behaviors between the committee members and governmental officials.
    Third, the situation of conducting polls is, exploitation organization prefer conducting poll far more than other methods; the situations of inductive questionnaire had been improved gradually already, still, researchers must pay attention to validly of questionnaire.
    Finally, there are 213 cases of conducting polls out of 440 cases, which obviously shows that in most cases a favorable result (“pass”) is given by the people rather than an unfavorable result (“fail”).
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