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Title: | 制度變遷與公務人員升官等考試之研究 |
Authors: | 陳榮坤 Chen, Jung-kung |
Contributors: | 詹中原 施能傑 侯漢君
陳榮坤 Chen, Jung-kung |
Keywords: | 升等考試 Rank Promotion Examinations |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 15:33:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國辦理公務人員升等考試已有相當歷史,旨在鼓舞現職人員士氣,提供資深績優的現職人員升遷管道,以鼓勵久任、提振士氣;其通過考試者取得升等資格。但在公共行政文獻中對此則少有通盤討論者,本文嘗試以整合性觀點,對相關之升等(資)考試提供說明,列如中央暨地方機關公務人員升等考試、關務人員升等考試、警察人員升等考試、交通事業人員升資考試、台灣地區省(市)營事業機構人員升等考試、行政院所屬金融保險事業機構雇員升等考試…等。 The Rank Promotion Examinations for Civil Service has been hold for a long time in the R.O.C. It means to boost the morale of public functionaries. It offers channels of advancement for the existing employees with excellent performances to keep them focused and to boost their morale. Public servants who pass the examination can acquire the status for promotion. But few of them have been investigated intergrated in public administration. Therefor, this article uses an integrated view on these relevant area.of Rank Promotion Examinations, Such examinations include the Rank Promotion Examinations for public functionaries of Central and Local Civil Service Organizations, Rank Promotion Examination for Customs Officers, Rank Promotion Examination for Police Personnel, Rank Promotion Examination for Transportation Enterprise Personnel, Rank Promotion Examination for Personnel of Province- and Special Municipality-Operated Businesses, Rank Promotion Examination for hired employees at Financial and Insurance Institutions under the Executive Yuan, etc. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政研究所 87256035 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0087256035 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [公共行政學系] 學位論文
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