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    Title: 威權領導與知識分享意願相關性研究 - 知識分享文化的干擾效果
    Authors: 張瓊玉
    Chang,Chiung Yu
    Contributors: 韓志翔
    Chang,Chiung Yu
    Keywords: 領導風格
    knowledge-sharing intenction
    authoritatian leadership
    organizational climate
    experience sharing and team work
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 15:11:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 資訊科技的蓬勃發展,地球村世界的來臨,提供現代人快速取得知識的平台,也促成了急速轉變的全球性競爭的環境,使企業面臨了非常重大的挑戰,迫使企業開始重新思考組織核心能力,以滿足隨時可能產生變動的市場需求;企業必須作出更快速的決策,以適應全球化腳步發展。越來越多的企業警覺到知識分享對於員工累積經驗與企業正向發展的重要性,因而透過不同的方式來鼓勵員工知識分享建構具競爭力的學習型組織。

    多數的研究報告皆在探討轉換型領導風格 (transformational leadership) 和交換型領導風格 (transactional leadership) 對於組織文化、組織策略執行力…等的相關性研究,尚未有探討過威權式的領導風格對於員工知識分享意願的影響。威權式的領導風格是否影響員工知識分享意願、企業具備知識分享的氛圍,是否干擾在威權式領導風格之下之員工分享知識與經驗意願 ? 有鑑於此,本研究針對威權式的領導風格如何影響員工知識分享意願,並以知識分享之企業文化為干擾因素,尋找過去相關文獻資料加以整理,歸納出假設與模型,並依照此模型進行分析與探討,以提出對實務界有效的建議與學術界未來的研究方向。

    本研究採問卷調查法,在不同產業中挑選頗具盛名的公司,針對其員工進行便利抽樣,並採用Lisrel 和 SPSS軟體來進行資料的分析。從威權式領導風格、知識分享企業文化、知識分享意願三個構面,探討主管威權式的領導風格如何影響員工的知識分享意願,並以知識分享的企業文化為干擾因素。以研究結果歸納出相關結論,以提供相關建議,供實務界在推行知識管理時一個主要的關鍵成功因素,以提高知識分享的可行性。亦供學術界進行組織氛圍研究之參考。


    1. 威嚴式領導與員工知識分享意願呈現負相關。
    2. 知識分享的企業文化與員工知識分享意願呈現正相關。
    3. 知識分享的企業文化,干擾在威權領導風格下之員工知識分享意願程度。
    In the past, research on the knowledge-sharing behavior of indi-viduals lacked discussions on authoritarian leaderships. Therefore, this research demonstrates how authoritarian leadership and or-ganizational culture affect the knowledge-sharing behavior of indi-viduals. The purpose of this research is to focus on an authoritarian leadership’s effect on the knowledge-sharing behavior of individu-als that is influenced by innovation and a sound organizational climate.

    Questionnaires were administered to employees from various in-dustries in order to gather information regarding individuals’ be-havior under an authoritarian leadership. The author used conven-tional sampling methods and 233 out of 250 participants provided relevant information. The findings of the research were as follows:
    1. The more a leader tends to express authoritarian leadership, the less an individual exhibits knowledge-sharing behavior.
    2. The more an organization demonstrates a knowledge-sharing culture, the more an individual exhibits knowledge-sharing be-havior. Such a culture, especially, encourages ‘innovation, sharing and learning’.
    3. Organizations that possess a culture that is highly oriented to-wards knowledge sharing influence the knowledge-sharing be-haviors of individuals under authoritarian leaderships.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0949323141
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