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Title: | 台灣企業在醫療器材發展機會之研究 |
Authors: | 鄭金泉 |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 鄭金泉 |
Keywords: | 醫療器材 注射器 安全注射針筒 |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 15:02:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 繼石化紡織之後,電子資訊產業成為台灣經濟發展上再度提供了二十多年的高度成長時期,也替台灣傳統產業提供結合了更多科技技術於傳統產業,為產業加以升級,替傳統產業提升企業競爭力。如今電子資訊產業已進入成熟期,台灣經濟若要再有持續的成長動力,必須再尋求其他合適台灣發展的產業。 全球醫療器材市場規模在2005年達新台幣52,800億元。若以6% 年成長率估計,2008年市場規模將會成長至新台幣62,080億元,相當吸引台灣企業投資發展。台灣企業自1990年開始發展紅外線體溫計、血壓檢測器等醫療器材產品。1998年台灣企業再度大膽投入研發血糖檢測器、隱形眼鏡、及醫療用導管,目前均有相當的表現成果。 注射器市場規模約新台幣1,800億元,其產業單純的特性相當吸引台灣企業考慮投資發展。約於2000年陳文龍先生獲得第一代自毀式安全注射器的產品專利,於2000年初期正當台灣資本市場有充沛資金,藉助於陳文龍先生的專利成立了數家安全注射針筒的新公司,各家各自投入大部分的資金於購買專利,以及投入專利改良、主要國家專利申請、量產能力的建立、通路開發上。緊接著資金吃緊使得募資更加困難,正考驗經理人的智慧如何去突破此一困境。 重複使用與針刺傳染的醫療器具,造成更大的社會成本,美國政府為了解決每年高額的社會成本,於2000年11月06日由柯林頓總統簽署『安全注射針筒』法案,並訂定2004年後開始全面強制實施,規定全部醫療院所必須提供『安全注射針筒』來保護醫療相關從業人員。法令的強制要求將有希望加速安全注射針筒的發展。 本研究主要採用文獻探討以及個案訪談作為主要的研究方法,先藉由產業與產品的市場分析建立初步的認識,再藉由文獻探討建立起論文整體之架構以及相關理論之說明定義所需探討之研究變項,之後再以注射器的公司現況比較,產銷供應鏈建立發展機會來加以說明。說明所觀察現象的具體意義,以及背後的思考邏輯。而可得到以下初步之研究結論: 量產產品在世代交替過程中之產業特性、醫療器材之進入障礙高、新舊產品世代交替過程中的新產品與新興公司的機會、台灣企業發展空間與價值主張等四部份。根據以上特性獲得研究結論: 『安全注射針筒』非常適合台灣公司發展。 Following the petrochemical industry and the textile industry, the electronics and information industry has become the major economic development in Taiwan for more than 20 years of high growth period and has advanced competitiveness of the Taiwan traditional industry by applying technologies to the industry. However, the electronics and information industry has entered a period of maturity. It is necessary to seek other potential industries in order to continue Taiwan`s economic growth which is the sustained impetus to the Taiwan industrial development. The global market size of the medical equipments industry amounted to 52,800 hundred million New Taiwan dollars (NTD) in 2005, and if estimated by the 6% annual growth rate, the market size in 2008 will grow to 62,080 hundred million NTD, thus this industry certainly attracts Taiwan enterprises. In truth, since 1990, Taiwan enterprises have began to develop high-tech medical equipment products such as infrared thermometers and blood pressure detectors. As 1998 Taiwan enterprises started to invest research and development (R&D) in blood sugar detectors, contact lens, and catheters, currently such R&D have showed significant achievements. Among medical equipments, the market size of syringes is approximately 1,800 hundred million NTD, and the nature of its industrial characteristic really attracts Taiwan enterprises. About year 2000, Chen, Wen-Long obtained the first generation of self-destructed safety syringes patents. In the meantime, Taiwan capital market had abundant funds to establish several new ventures with the aid of Chen’s patents. Also, each company invested the majority of funds to purchase patents, proceed patents improvements, apply patents in major countries, establish mass production capacity, and develop channels. Shortly afterward, the difficult situation of financial problems and raising funds arose, and it has tested manager`s wisdom to break through this difficult situation since then. The repetitive use and the acupuncture infection of medical equipments result in the greater social cost. In order to solve such high annual social cost, President Clinton signed “Needlestick Safety and Prevent Act” in November 6, 2000, began in 2004 to start comprehensive enforcement, and stipulated all medical institutes to provide safety syringes to protect medical practitioners. This Act has accelerated the development of safety syringes. This study takes literature review and case interviews as the major research methods. First, the market analysis of this industry and products provides preliminary understanding. Second, literature review establishes the overall framework of this study and relevant definitions of theories and research variables. Then, this study compares the present situation of syringes companies and explains opportunities of establishing production supply chain. After demonstrating the above, this study illustrates meanings and logic behind them. Finally, the preliminary conclusions of this study include four parts: The replacing industrial characteristic in mass production of industrial products, high barriers to entry the medical equipments industry, the opportunities of new products and new ventures in this generation of replacing old products with new products, and the development opportunity and value of Taiwan enterprises. After all, the major conclusion of this study is that “safety syringes” is a great business opportunity for Taiwan enterprises. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 93932911 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093932911 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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