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    Title: 人才招募行銷策略之研究-以國軍三軍四校人才招募為例
    Authors: 黃國良
    Contributors: 韓志翔
    Keywords: 人才招募
    Personnel Recruitment
    Marketing Strategy
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 14:50:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在知識經濟的世代裡,「人」是組織最重要的資產,也是最獨特的資產。「人才招募」是各型組織網羅人才的重要措施,經由招募所獲得之新進員工的質與量,不但影響組織人力資源管理上的各項功能,更攸關未來的生存與發展。國軍的使命在保國衛民,因應未來戰爭型態改變,在精兵政策的指導下,如何建立一支「量小、精質、戰力強」的勁旅,實繫於人才招募策略之良窳與成效。

    In times of knowledge economy, “human” is the most significant and special property in an organization. “Military Personnel Recruitment” is a vital measure to recruit a talented person at all types of organizations. The quality and quantity of new employees by ways of recruitment that can not only influence every function on organizational manpower resource management but also is involved in the survival and development of the future. The mission of our armed forces is to protect the nation and its people. To cope with the change of the war type in the future under the policy direction of crack troops, to establish “small quantity, high quality and powerful war capabilities” troops lies in the effect of personnel recruitment strategy.
    Therefore, this research is trying to realize the following questions and comes up with concrete suggestions. (1)Realize the current condition which marketing strategy that our army will conduct. (2) Analyze the present competitive environment that our military academies are in. (3) Explore the motives that cadets in our country join the army. (4) Provide concrete suggestions to the personnel recruitment-marketing strategy for the armed forces.
    This research is designed with questionnaire database analysis, SWOT analysis and expert interview. Because I adopt questionnaires ranging from the year of 2000 to 2003 from the Military Personnel Recruitment Center, the quality and quantity of these questionnaires must reach some standard. By analyze the database, I can save a great deal of time and money as well as add up to the credibility of this thesis. The use of SWOT analysis expects the Military Personnel Recruitment Center to realize the change of the internal and external environment and conduct appropriate strategy. The expert interview is according to the fact that interviewing experts deeply involved in decision-making process at the Military Personnel Recruitment Center so as to meet the actual requirements of the research’s marketing strategy.
    In our studies, we find that youngsters of the new generation tend to decide to join the army by themselves. Their family and relatives have some extent of influence on them. In addition, we also find that the will to join the army rises for the female. The information channel for these youngsters is from human relation communication. The main information resource is from military instructors. The ratio for the Internet marketing is still low in terms of contacting information channel. However, we can expect its growth. The resource of freshman cadets doesn’t have any difference on the south and the north of Taiwan. The proportion for families with middle or poor income is on the rise year by year. Their motives to join the army mostly emphasize the middle and higher level of hierarchical needs. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, there are five levels of hierarchy for human needs. The lowest need level of the needs is physiological needs. Other levels on its top are safety needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs and self actualization needs. However, the year of 2003 is an exception that the physiological needs increase a lot. Therefore, I suggest that we focus on the youngsters’ need and hold “Parents and Children Experience Camp.” By doing so, parents and high school students get to know military academies and strengthen the motives to join the army. On the other hand, we can also examine the admission ratio of female officers to cope up with the increase of female examinees. On information channel, we can re-design system to motivate military instructors and enhance the function of the Internet marketing. Due to the fact that there is no distinguished difference on the southern and northern area in Taiwan for the resource of freshman cadets, we can re-consider increasing or merging the organization to make it more effective. Owing to the fact that freshman cadets pay more attention on the middle and higher level of hierarchy needs, we should focus on helping youngsters for self actualization, such as students exchange and lifelong learning, etc. Moreover, I advise that the authorities concerned draft middle and long term of military academies planning development to fight for higher education budget and recruit superior quality of enlisted cadets; enhance high-quality image of military academies and review their campus culture; and engage in academic exchange to raise teaching quality and achieve to strengthen the internal marketing objective. For advertising, we can hand it over to professional advertisement agencies to reduce the workload of the Military Personnel Recruitment Center. The occupancy specialty of the Military Personnel Recruitment Center should step toward much specialization and the integration with other personnel units.
    If we can take advantage of other situation analysis instrument to explore or enlarge questionnaire objects on those who are admitted cadets without reporting in, those who drop out from school during the adjustment education period, or see if recruited cadets can match the mission of the armed forces when conducting related research in the future. We can develop sophisticated questionnaires and conduct a cross statistical analysis to increase its reasoning. Or aiming at the limitations and difficulties of the Military Personnel Recruitment Center, we can do separate thorough research and discussion. Last but not the least, if we can collect military personnel recruitment measures and examples from advanced countries all over the world and conduct analysis and comparison, we can find something worth learning for our country.
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