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    Title: 協同產品研發生命週期管理之研究-以某個案公司為例
    The Research of Collaborative Product Development Lifecycle Management:A Case Study
    Authors: 粘平吉
    Nian,Pyng Jyi
    Contributors: 周宣光
    Chou,Shrang Kuang
    Nian,Pyng Jyi
    Keywords: 協同產品研發生命週期管理
    Collaborative Product Development Lifecycle Management
    Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
    Green Environment Protection Regulation
    Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment Directive (WEEE)
    Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 14:48:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由微笑曲線理論(施振榮1992年提出)知道企業應該朝高附加價值領域發展,而其中上游智財權(Intelligent Property)、知識經濟(Knowledge Economics)是我國OEM、ODM製造業將生產基地移到大陸後,為避免國內產業空洞化,必須在國內深耕的核心競爭力領域。要強化智財權、知識經濟則必須強化產品研發與創新能力,而產品研發與創新能力的提升必須藉助良好的「協同產品研發生命週期管理解決方案」(Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution) ;但是此解決方案尚在發展初期,不論企業或是個人對於它皆了解不夠,也不知如何利用此解決方案來提升產品研發能力。

    因此本研究透過文獻的收集與探討,整理出PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)解決方案的定義、演進,並對PLM解決方案的架構進行探討,再針對市場上PLM解決方案系統廠商所提供的PLM系統產品進行說明,讓有意導入PLM解決方案的公司企業可以參考。另外由於知識管理可以讓PLM系統所收集的產品資料與產品研發經驗與知識得以分享、流通與再創造與加值,因此對於知識管理(Knowledge Management)與PLM的關係進行探討。2003年歐盟立法通過兩大環保法規—WEEE(Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment)及RoHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances),要求製造廠商從設計開始即需考慮整個產品生命週期的環境保護觀念,此法規讓產品生命週期觀念有了具體的落實實施,因此本研究亦對綠色環保法規與PLM解決方案的關係進行探討與說明。


    一、 因為綠色環保法規的規定而使得產品生命週期觀念能落實執行。
    二、 PLM是一種企業策略方法,要成功導入必須從人員、流程、資訊科技三方面同時規劃。
    三、 由於PLM系統架構的定義不同,且PLM系統廠商所提供的PLM系統解決方案亦有不同功能,企業必須根據自己的需求選擇適當的解決方案。
    四、 PLM理念一直不斷變化與延伸,PLM系統已成為製造業不可或缺的系統。

    一、 建議對於導入PLM要如何進行變革管理進行研究。
    二、 建議對於如何利用知識管理來協助研發創新進行研究。
    三、 建議對於PLM解決方案所帶來的協同產品研發績效的影響進行研究。
    Referring to the Smiling Curve Theory (Shih Chen-Rong, 1992), it is realized that enterprise should gradually lead the “High Value-Added” concept to its management system. Since recent years, Taiwan local OEM and ODM factories widely moved their production base to Mainland China, and so in order to avoid domestic industries being emptied, “Intelligent Property” and “Knowledge Economics” must be cultivated deep into our country. On the other hand, prior to strengthen Intelligent Property and Knowledge Economics, the premise is to strengthen the competency of Product Development and Product Innovation. In addition, to enhance the competency of Product Development and Product Innovation must follow by good “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution”. However, the solution is still at initiation phase, therefore so far as now, either the enterprises or the individuals are not acquainted with it, and also do not know well how to utilize the solution to reinforce the Product Development competency.

    By means of the concept mentioned above, literatures are collected and investigated by this study to work up the definition and evolution of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Solution. In advance, the framework of PLM solution is discussed; and the PLM system, provided by supplier, is introduced by this research as well, in order to allow businessmen, who would like to lead PLM Solution into their organizations, to adopt them as a reference for developing their enterprises. Moreover, considering of that Knowledge Management enables the experience and knowledge of Product Development and Product Information, collected by PLM system, to be shared, circulated, recreated and value-added, the relation between Knowledge Management and PLM system is examined in this study. Also, the relation between the legislated rules of Green Environmental Protection and PLM Solution is researched and reported in response to the two regulations of WEEE (Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment) and RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), which were legislated by European Union (EU) in 2003. In accordance with the two statutes, manufacturers are requested to think of the concept of environmental protection for the entire Product Lifecycle, starting from product design begins.

    For the sake of assisting enterprises in understanding deeply about the PLM Solution, before introducing it into their organization, “case study” access is therefore adopted by the study to analyze in deep the problems on “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution”, which might be incurred in each individual case. In line with the problems, a constructional strategy for PLM system as well as a framework of the application and integration of PLM system are proposed as a base of executing business strategic approach. Characteristics of the framework of the application and integration of PLM system include “strategic core by product”; “to value personnel, operation flow and product information”; “to manage and support the entire lifecycle from product concept to product lifespan being ended”; “the support covers collaboration between the divisions, customers, designing coworkers, suppliers. In addition, the running situation of this framework, which runs under the “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution” is presented in the study. In the final part of the research, the key-points and strategies are presented for the proposal of introducing PLM systemic solution.

    During the researching process, some important conceptions are discovered, and are summarized as follow:
    1. Owing to the rules of Green Environmental Protection is legislated, it therefore enables the concept of product lifecycle be executed accurately.
    2. PLM is a business strategic approach, so to introduce into enterprise successfully must through a proposal with the factors of personnel, operation flow and information technology simultaneously.
    3. Since PLM system has varied system as well as different solution function from different suppliers, enterprises should choose a proper PLM systemic solution based on actual needs.
    4. PLM concept varies and extends consecutively, so today PLM has become to the only system for option.

    Hereunder suggestions from researcher to the latter in future as the researching direction reference.
    1. Suggest proceeding study with how to run Reformation Management after the adoption of PLM system.
    2. Suggest proceeding study with how to utilize Knowledge Management for assisting in developing innovation.
    3. Suggest proceeding study with the subject of “Influence on the results of collaborative product development by PLM systemic solution”.
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