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    Title: 台灣晶圓代工產業的斷裂性創新初步研究
    Authors: 蔡政安
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Keywords: 半導體產業
    semiconductor industry
    foundry industry
    disruptive innovation
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 14:39:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 有關既有廠商面對技術改變時為何會失去領導地位,現有文獻多以技術和廠商能耐互動的供給面切入討論,其原因可能是領導廠商無法及時轉換技術、調整能耐或組織惰性等因素;對於少數新興國家的後進廠商成功挑戰既有領導廠商,成為全球領導廠商的研究,也大多依循這種供給面觀點,認為建立並不斷提升技術能耐是成功的關鍵。
    Why established incumbents loosed their leading positions facing the disruptive technology, explanation of current literatures tended to focus on the supply-side interaction of technologies and firms’ capabilities. The research on latecomer firms catching up technological gap in newly development countries also focused on the supply-side perspective and argued that consecutive advancing technological capabilities was the key to success.
    Closer examination of technology competition, however, reveals that technology or market transitions are not necessarily due to the supply-side difficulties, like incumbent technology’s inherent limit, incumbents’ inability to master new skill, or organizational inertness. The market demand-side is also an important factor offering a complementary set of explanations that highlight the influence of consumers’ need on technology trajectory. The most influential expression of a demand side role in technology competition is the disruptive innovation that will break the market rule, shift the bases of competition and change the industry structure.
    Current researches, however, did not develop systematically analytical tool or framework to identify disruptive innovation. This study followed the major perspectives of disruptive innovation and the rules of case study to develop the descriptive framework for testifying the phenomenon of disruptive innovation. The semiconductor industry development in Taiwan was identified and described under the conditions of this framework.
    This descriptive framework is a systematic tool for testing disruptive innovation in any industry.
    Reference: 中文部分
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