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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > Department of MIS > Theses >  Item 140.119/35264
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    Title: 使用ActiveX元件來改善暨有視窗主從企業資訊系統的可部署性
    Improving the Deployability of Existing Windows-Based Client/Server Business Information Systems Using ActiveX Components
    Authors: 程裕繁
    Cheng,Bill Yu-Fan
    Contributors: 裘錦天
    Chyou,Jonathan Jiin-Tian
    Cheng,Bill Yu-Fan
    Keywords: ActiveX元件
    ActiveX Component
    Legacy Information System
    Information System Modernization
    Information System Deployment
    Information System Architecture Transformation
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 14:35:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 小型化革命已經造成了企業資訊系統的典範轉移,不久之前以大型主機為基礎的集中架構仍然是企業之重要資訊系統的唯一選擇,時至今日為數眾多的重要企業資訊系統採用了以個人運算裝置為基礎的主從架構。另外一方面,視窗主從企業資訊系統是目前最常見的主從架構企業資訊系統類型,此類企業資訊系統必需將每一支客戶端程式都安裝到每一位使用者的電腦上,這種客戶端程式的人工部署作業一直是資訊管理從業人員的沈重負擔,亦是資訊管理產學界持續戮力解決的重要研究課題。其實ActiveX元件技術的妥善應用將可以有效解決這個部署問題,並且這種解決方案將遠比其它解決方案更具成本效益。研究以此發現為基礎,目的在於克服ActiveX元件技術在企業資訊系統應用上一直無法解決的三項缺點:能力強大所衍生的不安全、技術龐雜所衍生的學習與使用困難,以及元件體積龐大所衍生的網路應用瓶頸,並提出一個以ActiveX元件為基礎的解決方案來自動化暨有之視窗主從企業資訊系統的客戶端程式部署作業。報告的重點內容有四:(一)ActiveX元件技術的缺點克服之道;(二) 所提解決方案的第一個部份,也就是下載架構,採用下載架構開發的企業資訊系統將具備自動化部署客戶端程式的特性;(三)所提解決方案的第二個部份,也就是架構轉換程序,藉由這個程序的指引,暨有的視窗主從企業資訊系統將可以輕鬆轉換成為下載架構,有效解決其客戶端程式的部署問題;(四)兩個研究個案,用來示範下載架構與架構轉換程序的使用,並提供證據來支持下載架構與架構轉換程序的可行性。
    The downsizing revolution has created a deep paradigmatic shift in business information systems (BISs). Not very long ago, large-scale mission-critical BISs were the exclusive province of massive mainframe computers. That is changing rapidly. Today, increasingly large and complex BISs are being built as client/server (C/S) applications. Unfortunately, for the most common C/S BISs, that is, the Windows-based C/S BISs (WinBISs), client programs must be manually deployed to each end-user machine bringing about a heavy BIS maintenance load. ActiveX component technology, if used properly, is more cost-effective than other alternatives in improving the deployment of existing WinBISs. Nevertheless, ActiveX component technology is no magic solution, and thus still has three shortcomings, namely insecurity, complexity, and bulkiness. The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to overcome the shortcomings of ActiveX component technology, and then develop an ActiveX component-based solution to automate the deployment of existing WinBISs. This paper has four main parts: (a) the answers to the shortcomings of ActiveX component technology; (b) the downloadable architecture, which supports the development of automatically-deployed BISs; (c) the architecture transformation process, which transforms existing WinBISs into the downloadable architecture; and (d) two examples of how to use the downloadable architecture and the architecture transformation process. The examples also provide evidence to support the feasibility of such architecture and process.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0913565061
    Data Type: thesis
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