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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/35223
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    Title: 語意式構思學習模式於協同式腦力激盪決策
    Semantic Ideation Learning for Collective Brainstorming
    Authors: 陳延全
    Contributors: 苑守慈
    Yuan, Soe-Tsyr
    Keywords: 智慧型代理人
    Intelligent Agent
    Reinforcement Learning
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 14:29:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「知識經濟」時代下,知識汰舊換新速度極快,單打獨鬥不及於團隊合作的成效,因此,不論組織或個人均須講求團隊合作。腦力激盪法(Brainstorming)即是透過團隊合作、協同決策的方式產生具有創意的解決方案。本研究結合智慧型代理人的技術與人類獨特的腦力激盪思考方式,利用智慧型代理人的自主性、溝通能力、適應力與學習能力等特性,讓智慧型代理人能在適當的時候代替腦力激盪會議的與會者出席會議,達成會議目標。為了讓智慧型代理人也能模仿人類進行創意思考,本研究以人類主要用來產生創意構思的三種聯想能力做為代理人之推論機制,並結合增強式學習的概念,設計出能根據以本體論表達之概念(Ontology-Based Concept)進行構思激盪之語意式構思學習代理人( Semantic Ideation Learning Agent,SILA ),並架構一個能讓多個SILA進行知識分享與學習的系統環境-腦力激盪式協同決策系統(Collective Brainstorming Decision System, CBDS)。本研究以傳統的腦力激盪決策模式為基礎,結合現代之網路語意表達與代理人技術,期望讓在網路上代表不同角色、身份的代理人,基於其所擁有之構思知識庫 (Idea Knowledge Base),透過代理人之間的溝通與知識分享,達成代理人自動化協同決策(Collective Decision)之目標。
    In Knowledge Economy Era, the organization and individual are emphasizing on the teamwork instead of single play because of better effectiveness. Brainstorming is a solution that can help organization to generate creative ideas through teamwork and collaboration. This research combines human’s unique brainstorming thinking and the intelligent agent technique for devising an automated decision agent called Semantic Ideation Learning Agent (SILA) (that can represent a session participant to engage the action of brainstorming). In order to make a SILA thinking like human, our research presents a method of Reinforcement Learning grounded on three capabilities of human’s association (similarity, contiguity, contrast) as the SILA’s inference mechanism. Furthermore, the Collective Brainstorming Decision System was build to provide an environment where SILAs can learn and share their knowledge. The aim of this research is to reach automatic collective decision in a brainstorming session through the collaboration of the agents based on the brainstorming decision model and some modern information techniques including knowledge base, semantic web and intelligent agents.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093356017
    Data Type: thesis
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