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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/35191
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    Title: 個人理財之模式基底網路服務發展研究
    Authors: 陳儷月
    Chen, Li Yueh
    Contributors: 余千智
    Yu, Chien Chih
    Chen, Li Yueh
    Keywords: 個人理財
    Personal Financial Planning
    Insurance Planning
    Asset Allocation
    Portfolio Selection
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 14:24:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著社會的進步、經濟的發展與個人化知識水準的提昇,再加上銀行定存利率趨低,個人理財的重要性愈顯重要。但是,現有文獻及實務上之理財服務功能仍屬片面,缺乏一套完整的流程模式可支援整體之個人理財規劃,如含個人保險組合、資產配置與投資組合等之規劃流程。因此,本研究之目的即在提出一個整合性的個人理財服務之流程模式,含理財流程中不同階段的服務功能與作業流程、理財決策模式及相關推論法則等,同時也將應用現有之系統發展法,建構一套完整的個人理財模式基底網路服務應用系統的架構,設計並建置一原型系統,驗證所提出的架構、流程、模式與方法的可行性與績效。
    Promote along with the development and personalization knowledge level of progress, economy of society, and the bank Certificate of Deposit interest rate tends low, the importance of personal financial planning shows the importance more. But, the existing cultural heritage and the financial planning on the actual situation service function are still unilateral, the process mode that lacks of a set of integrity can support whole of personal financial planning programs, if contain personal insurance planning, asset allocation and portfolio selection programming process of etc. Therefore, the purpose of this research is putting forward an integrated process model of personal financial planning service, the service function with financial planning process in different stage and the homework process, the financial planning decision model and the related reasoning rule etc., also will apply the existing system development method, personal financial planning model base network service that constructs a set of integrity applies the structure of the system, designing and building one prototype system, identifying the structure, process, model and the feasibility and the results of the method put forward.
    Reference: 中文部分
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