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Title: | 網站呈現與網站信任感之關係研究-以服飾網站為例 Does Your Website Presentation Convey Trustworthiness? - A Customer Perception Survey based on Two Apparel Website |
Authors: | 張莉青 Chang, Janie |
Contributors: | 管郁君 Huang, Eugenia 張莉青 Chang, Janie |
Keywords: | 網站呈現 客戶印象 客戶信任感 |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 14:22:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著網際網路的成熟發展,商務網站的經營也成為企業的兵家必爭之地。根據文獻指出,客戶對網站的信任感因素是影響客戶是否會在商務網站上購物的一個重要指標,然而,究竟客戶對網站的信任感從何兒來,卻依舊是個謎。因此,本研究根據文獻建構出探討造成客戶對商務網站信任感之來源。
為了進一步分析此不同族群的消費者是否會產生不同的結果,因此,本研究將樣本依性別分為男、女兩族群。若從男性族群來看,發現只有瀏覽決策工具與產品介紹資訊此兩大網站呈現因素會影響客戶對網站印象中的資訊豐富、清晰易懂與井然有序等因素。而影響到客戶初期信任感之客戶印象因素則為資訊豐富、清晰易懂與隱密安全因素。若由女性族群來看,則發現安全隱私宣告、公司背景描述與交易流程資訊此三大網站呈現因素,會影響客戶對網站的印象中的資訊豐富、井然有序與隱密安全因素。而影響到客戶初期信任感之客戶印象因素則為資訊豐富、清晰易懂與隱密安全等因素。一個商務網站的設立需要投入許多的資源與金錢,建立一個最佳的網站是每個網站設計者與每個公司努力的目標,而透過本研究的結果,將可提供給網站設計者一個遵循的方向,藉以瞭解什麼因素才是最重要的,公司將得以運用有限資源投資在最關鍵的地方。 As more businesses embrace the opportunities offered by the Internet, conducting commercial activities on the Internet is no longer an indicator of competitiveness, but rather a means of staying in business. Many existing literatures offer suggestions for website design from a business point of view. However, only when businesses focus on customers’ expectations will they successfully attract and retain customers. This paper attempts to unearth the relationship between website presentation and web visitors’ perception of trustworthiness. Based on a questionnaire survey on the Internet, it is concluded that the navigation and decision tools, privacy and security statements, product information, and procedure information are keys of website presentation that contribute to impressions of the website being Information- Rich, Unambiguous, and Structured and Organized. These impressions, in turn, help building a perception of trustworthiness when a website is visited for the first time.
Keywords: website presentation, visitors’ impressions, perception of trustworthiness |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 90356005 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090356005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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