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    Title: 遠距教學系統滿意度與接受度之研究:以適應性結構化理論為基礎
    Authors: 廖莉芬
    Li-Fen, Liao
    Contributors: 湯宗益
    Tzung-I, Tang
    Li-Fen, Liao
    Keywords: 遠距教學系統
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 14:21:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘 要
    System acceptance and satisfaction is one of important issues in MIS field. Many researchers use different perspectives to study system acceptance and satisfaction. Some researchers use user’s attitude and belief to discuss system acceptance, others use task/technology perspective to discuss the relationship between system acceptance and task performance. Some scholars found system appropriation processes between users and technology is the most important factor.
    Man machine interaction is an important topic in MIS field. Though many researches have done in information system interaction, the interaction in distance learning system still lack of study. Few researches focus on the impact of learning group’s characteristics to system appropriations. Our research use the perspective of group interaction to depicts system appropriation and system outcomes.
    In the research, we based on Adaptive Structuration Theory to form our research model. Adaptive Structuration Theory points out that the system outcomes does not come directly from task or technology, it reflects how group users appropriate the system. The target systems in our research are the distance learning systems in National ChengChi University and National Chiao-Tung University. Survey data gathered from 398 students were used to test our model.
    The results shows that except teacher’s teaching skill, all other dimensions include technology, learner, and course are all positively affect system appropriation. Results provided substantial support for the propositions that technology and group structure will affect system use and system satisfaction.
    Keywords: distance learning system, system satisfaction, adaptive structuration theory, system appropriation processes
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