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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/35038
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    Title: 壽險業顧客知識流程之研究 - 以保誠人壽為例
    A study on Customer Knowledge Process in Life Insurance Company - PCA Life Assurance(Taiwan) as A Case
    Authors: 李哲維
    Lee, Che Wei
    Contributors: 林淑姬
    Lin, Shu Chi
    Lee, Che Wei
    Keywords: 顧客知識
    Customer Knowledge (CK)
    Knowledge Management (KM)
    Customer Knowledge Process
    Customer Knowledge Management (CKM)
    Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
    service industry operation system
    life insurance industry
    PCA Life Assurance Co., Ltd.
    service culture
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:38:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 和顧客保持長期關係,對於企業經營是有利的,然而,由於資訊科技的進步與物流效率的提升,顧客越來越來越聰明,要尋找並取得替代產品與服務也越來越容易。在這樣的環境前提下,如何使顧客願意與企業維持長期關係而不轉向競爭者,是企業的一大挑戰。在文獻探討中本文發現,其關鍵是在於要能夠持續與顧客互動並了解顧客,並且將這些了解應用於產品設計、流程設計與組織設計。對於顧客的了解,本文定義其為顧客知識,就成為了顧客關係的基石。不過,由於與顧客的接觸點越多,了解顧客的管道就越多,其整合上有一定的難度,而資訊科技與傳統行銷方法都能夠產生對於顧客的了解,再加上產生並應用對於顧客的了解,以塑造顧客在消費與使用產品與服務時能得到高度的滿意,已經企業所有部門的責任,這樣跨部門的作業也不是一件簡單的事,這些議題都是企業在顧客知識管理上所需面對的。


    It is beneficial for an enterprise to keep long-term relationship with its customers. However, owing to advances of information technology and the improvement of logistics efficiency, it is not difficult to search and acquire better products and services to substitute for what they are using now. Under these circumstances, it is a challenge for enterprises to retain their customers. How to do this? The answer in literatures is: to gain more customer insights (defined as customer knowledge in this study) through interactions with customers and apply them in product design, process design and organizational structure design. Therefore customer knowledge is the basics of long-term relationships with customers. But still, there are issues. First, an enterprise may have many contact points with its customers. Then, there are traditional ways versus information technology ways to generate customer knowledge. Finally, an enterprise has to think how to address appropriate customer knowledge to right departments and use them to enhance the total experience when interacting with customers. These are all issues an enterprise has to face with when trying to do “Customer Knowledge Management” (CKM).

    Most of past studies on CKM did not tell the difference between information and knowledge, thus can not clearly define what contributions an enterprise makes when implementing CKM. This study attempts to investigate practices of CKM in an enterprise in life insurance industry, in which the demand is saturated and the competition is fierce, from a process perspective to manifest how customer knowledge is generated and applied, and what main factors are to affect CKM in an enterprise.

    After investigation of the case, this study proposes a new framework, from the operation system in service industry, to classify customer knowledge into two categories: customer knowledge needed for front-office operations, and customer knowledge needed for back-office operations. In addition, according to practices in this case, this study will revise the CKM process framework proposed right after the literature review, and will raise keys to successful CKM in CKM processes, for the reference for following studies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0913550271
    Data Type: thesis
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