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    Title: 嗅覺線索與標的產品一致性對消費者態度及購買意願之影響 - 涉入程度與品牌概念之調節效果
    The Effects of Congruence between Olfactory Cues and Target Product on Consumers’ Attitude and Purchase Intention with the Moderating Effects of Involvement and Brand Concept
    Authors: 蔡佩勳
    Contributors: 別蓮蒂
    Keywords: 嗅覺線索
    Olfactory Cue
    Elaboration Likelihood Model
    Brand Concept
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:34:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Martin Lindstrom (2005a) 指出除了視覺,嗅覺其實才是人類五官中最重要的,然而目前國內嗅覺相關之研究仍相當稀少。本研究由消費者之觀點出發,主要探討嗅覺線索與標的產品之一致性與否對消費者態度與購買意願的影響,並分析在「涉入程度」及「品牌概念」的調節作用下,對上述關係有何影響。

    本研究經由前測,選擇手錶與運動鞋兩產品類別進入正式實驗,手錶產品類別中,以Swatch為象徵型品牌,CASIO為功能型品牌;運動鞋產品類別則以Puma為象徵型品牌,New Balance為功能型品牌。並以模擬的8張彩色平面廣告,施測於530位政大大學部之學生,進行2 (產品類別:手錶/運動鞋) x 2 (嗅覺線索:一致/不一致) x 2 (涉入程度:高/低) x 2 (品牌概念:象徵型品牌/功能型品牌) 的正式實驗。


    Martin Lindstrom (2005a) pointed out that other than sight, smell is the most important sense in the human anatomy. However, research on smell is still rare. This research sets out from the consumer perspective to discuss the effects that consistency between olfactory cues and target products have on purchase intention. Moderating effects of involvement and brand concept are also studied for their effects on the study.

    Watches and sport shoes were selected as the target products for this study. The symbolic brand in the watch category is Swatch, whereas the functional brand is CASIO; in terms of sport shoes, the symbolic brand is Puma, while the functional brand is New Balance. A2 (product category: watch / sport shoes) x 2 (olfactory cues: congruity / incongruity)x 2 (involvement: high / low) x 2 (brand concept: symbolic brand /functional brand) experimental design collected data from 530 Chengchi university students through 8 color printed advertisements.

    Research findings indicate the following. (1) In terms of the main olfactory cue effect, olfactory cues that are incongruent with the target product can better increase consumers’ evaluation of the product than congruent olfactory cues. (2) In terms of the brand concept moderating effect, olfactory cues that are incongruent with the target product can better increase consumers’ evaluation of the product than congruent olfactory cues. This is more evident when consumers deal with functional brands than when dealing with symbolic brands.

    To sum up, olfactory cues do in fact influence consumers’ evaluations of products. This study provides marketers with numerous factors that should be considered when selecting the adequate olfactory cues.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095355029
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