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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/34991
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    Title: 工作面談情境中應徵者防衛型印象管理策略應用之有效性研究
    Exploring the Effects of Applicant Defensive Impression Management Tactics on Interviewer Evaluations in Job Interviews
    Authors: 羅逸琁
    Contributors: 蔡維奇
    Keywords: 印象管理
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:30:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 防衛型印象管理策略( Defensive Impression Management )指的是個體在人際互動過程中,遇到負面事件而使得自我形象受到損害時,可以用來保護或修復形象的口語策略,主要可以區分為開脫、合理化及道歉三種策略。在過去探討工作面談中應徵者採用的印象管理策略的研究,多半著重在肯定型的策略,防衛型的策略則極少成為研究的關注焦點。本研究認為防衛型印象管理對面試官評價的提升具有影響,且在實際工作面談中亦有使用的可能性,因此本研究以防衛型印象管理的策略類型作為自變數,並以面試官質疑的負面事件類型(能力事件或道德事件)做為調節變數,探討工作面談中防衛型印象管理策略對面試官評價的影響。
    Defensive impression management (defensive IM) refers to a process by which individuals use verbal tactics after their image has been damaged either by one’s own behavior or by information that surfaces during the interaction in order to repair one’s image (Stevens & Kristof, 1995). The importance of defensive IM in job interviews has been overlooked in the past studies. Therefore, the intention of this research was to focus on the effect of defensive IM in job interviews, and to explore the interaction effect of defensive IM and different types of negative event on interviewer’s evaluation.
    An experimental study was run to test the effects of interviewee’s defensive IM tactics on the interviewer’s evaluation following a negative event. The experimental was a 4*2 design. Defensive IM tactics (apologies, justifications, excuses, and no use of defensive IM) and types of negative events (ability-based and integrity based) were manipulated in the study. Subjects in present study are all managers who have at least one experience as interviewers in job interviews. Result has shown that: (1) Following a negative event, interviewees who perform defensive IM tactics will receive higher evaluation from interviewer than those who does not. (2) If the negative event is ability-based, interviewees who perform apologies tactics would receive higher evaluation from interviewer than those who use justifications tactic, and those who perform excuses would get lowest evaluation. (3) If the negative event is integrity-based, interviewees who perform excuses tactics would receive higher evaluation from interviewer than those who use justification tactic, and those who perform apologies would get lowest evaluation.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093355035
    Data Type: thesis
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