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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/34987
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    Title: 行動電視產業之發展策略研究
    Authors: 林孟潔
    Contributors: 郭更生

    Keywords: 行動電視
    mobile TV
    mobile commerce
    value chain
    SK Telecom
    NTT DoCoMo
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:29:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 行動電視是發展行動商務的重要基礎,近年來由於傳輸技術的進展使得行動電視服務的提供成為可能,透過數位電視廣播技術與行動通訊網路的整合包裝,業者可提供更豐富的行動商務內容。行動通訊業者、廣播電視業者,及手機業者由於亟欲開發下一波的主流商品和服務,紛紛投入行動電視的相關發展。不過,行動電視屬於全新且跨領域的商業模式,還有許多問題有待克服。本研究企圖將這些問題釐清,除了探討行動電視價值鏈上各價值活動的發展方向以及整合模式,亦進一步探討行動電視服務的關鍵成功因素,以及南韓SK Telecom與日本NTT DoCoMo發展行動電視服務的策略。針對上述研究問題,本研究之研究結論如下:
    1. 行動電視價值鏈的發展:內容業者必須針對手機平台開發專屬的節目內容;數位電視廣播技術以及行動通訊網路將朝向互補整合的方向,才能為消費者創造更多價值;手機製造業者必須克服天線、耗電量,以及體積的問題,並且設計容易使用的操作介面。
    2. 整合模式:分為由行動通訊業者主導、由廣播電視業者主導、由行動通訊業者與廣播電視業者共同合作,以及由第三方業者提供服務這四種主要的營運模式。其中,行動通訊業者與廣播電視業者共同合作被視為較可能普及的營運模式。
    3. 關鍵成功因素:透過產業資料分析以及專家訪談,本研究整理出以下六點要素,分別為政府的態度、良好的網路傳輸品質、終端設備的設計、各方可接受的營運模式、具吸引力的內容,以及可負擔的價格。
    4. 個案探討:南韓SK Telecom與日本NTT DoCoMo皆非常注重內容的發展,除了重新設計節目內容、持續發展新內容,亦不斷累積相關的數位內容資源,由其策略發展重點,也可以再次印證關鍵成功因素—「內容」的重要性。
    Mobile TV is considered as the basis of mobile commerce. Through the integration of digital broadcasting and cellular network, companies can provide more mobile service. Due to the development of digital broadcasting and cellular network, offering service of mobile TV becomes possible. Mobile operators, broadcasters, and mobile phone manufactures are all eager to develop new products and service. Therefore, they start to develop mobile TV business. However, mobile TV is a brand new business model and relates to different industries. There are still lots of difficulties that need to be conquered. This research analyzes the development of mobile TV value chain, possible business models, key success factors, and the cases of SK Telecom and NTT DoCoMo. The following is the conclusion of this research.
    1. Development of Mobile TV value chain: content providers have to develop exclusive programs for mobile phone; digital broadcasting and cellular network should be integrated; mobile phone manufactures need to conquer the problems of battery, aerial, and size.
    2. Business model: there are four possible business models, inclusive of leading by mobile operators, leading by content providers, cooperation of mobile operators and content providers, and service offered by the third party. The third business model is considered as the one which will be popular.
    3. Key success factors: there are six factors, inclusive of government’s attitude, good transmitting quality, design of hand-held device, business model accepted by all involved parties, attractive content, and acceptable price.
    4. Case discussion: SK Telecom and NTT DoCoMo all think highly of the development of content. They plan to develop exclusive programs, enrich the content, and accumulate related digital contents. Their strategies reveal the importance of content again.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093355020
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