题名: | 兩岸品牌個性之跨文化比較-以報紙廣告為例 |
作者: | 吳祉芸 Wu, Chih-yun |
贡献者: | 別蓮蒂 Bei, Lien-ti 吳祉芸 Wu, Chih-yun |
关键词: | 品牌個性 內容分析法 跨文化比較 自我概念 |
日期: | 2002 |
上传时间: | 2009-09-18 13:24:07 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 自一九七O年代起,品牌個性成為研究的焦點,有越來越多學者探討此項議題;實務界更是廣泛地運用。
5.品牌個性與自我概念的關係很密切,本文初探兩者相關性,發現確有關聯存在:「平和」、「純真」與「真實我」呈顯著正相關;「刺激」、「稱職」、「教養」則與「理想我」呈顯著正相關,反映出兩個自我實為相對的概念;然其確切影響方向,甚至是其他變數的調節作用,則值得作進一步探討。 Since the 1970s, “brand personality” has become a popular issue, which was discussed by many scholars and widely used in business practice.
Most scholars studied this topic from the consumer’s point of view, and the framework of brand personality dimensions has been most completely worked out. However, culture differences had great influence on brand personality, but there were limited studies that focused on this issue. Since advertisements contained sufficient information of culture and brand personality, this study intended to make a cross-cultural comparison of brand personality by referring to the brand personality dimensions found by previous researchers and performing advertisement research.
The purposes of this study are to compare the differences of brand personality between Taiwan and Mainland China, to investigate the influence of product category on brand personality, and to combine “self concept” with brand personality. Compiling the dimensions studied by previous scholars for coding indicators, this study uses content analysis to make this study. Not only does this study fulfill the scope of brand personality analysis, it also provides insights for building brand strategies and entering the market in China.
The samples are newspaper advertisements from 1996 to 2001. China Times in Taiwan and Shang-Hai Wen-Hui Bao in Mainland China are chosen. There is a total of 864 advertisements. After statistics analysis, the results are listed as the following:
1.To the appearance of brand personality, ads in Taiwan show more humanity, while those in Mainland China emphasize on product functions.
2.There are different proportions between the representations of dimensions. Those dimensions with higher frequencies may be easily perceived by consumers or may more appealing to them.
3.Relationships exist between brand personality and culture. Positive relationship means certain dimension should be emphasized when the relative culture tendency is higher.
4.There exists a great difference in brand personality between product categories: the “utilitarian-expressive” products emphasize on “competence” dimension, while the “value-expressive” products show more humanity.
5.Brand personality is closely related with “self-concept”: “peacefulness” and “sincerity” are positively related to “actual self,” while the other three dimensions are positive related to “ideal self.” This study discusses this issue for the first time; however, further studies are needed to investigate the moderating effects. |
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