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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/34947
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    Title: 資訊產品零售通路忠誠度之研究 - 價值、專屬資產、及顧客拉力對資訊產品零售門市/經銷商與其特定製造/供應商忠誠關係之影響
    Authors: 陳秀鳳
    Hsiu-feng Chen
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Jyh-shen Chiou
    Hsiu-feng Chen
    Keywords: 忠誠度
    Asset Specificity
    Customer Pull
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:23:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 直到中國取代台灣成為全球第二大資訊產品生產國之前,台灣邁向資訊化社會的腳步不曾稍歇。從每人擁有PC數,到網際網路愈益普及,再再都證明資訊產品在人們日常生活中扮演不可或缺的角色。資訊產品製造/供應商為了取得較佳的競爭位置,在眾多品牌中脫穎而出,檢視其通路的合作/銷售過程,進而思考如何鞏固與通路商長遠的交易關係至為重要。是故,本研究乃從交易成本觀點出發,探討資訊產品經銷通路關係中造成滿意進而創造忠誠的重要因素。





    This study developed and empirically tested a model examining the antecedents of retailing channel members’loyalty toward their major consumer electronic products’supplier or manufacturer. Based on a questionnaire survey including the sample from northern and mid part of Taiwan that are main markets for consumer electronic products selling, the results showed that value is very important in reinforcing retailing channel members’loyalty toward their specific supplier. The result also showed that the mutual inputs in asset specificity between a retailing channel member and its specific supplier have positive effects on retailing channel members’loyalty intention. Moreover, the driving force came from customer pull which connected consumers and the consumer electronic products supplier will also influence retailing channel members’ loyalty intention through direct effects on value.
    Reference: 邱志聖 (民國90年),策略行銷分析:架構與實務應用,智勝文化出版。
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    郭晉彰 (民國89年),不停駛的驛馬,商訊文化出版。
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