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    Title: 非營利組織的公共性與知識分享意願之研究-以主婦聯盟之共同購買為例
    A Study of Publicness and Willingness of Knowledge Sharing for the Nonprofit Organization: A Case of Homemaker’s Union Consumer Cooperation.
    Authors: 竇仁君
    Tou, Jen-chun
    Contributors: 黃秉德
    Huang, Ping-der
    Tou, Jen-chun
    Keywords: 非營利組織
    Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Sharing
    Willingness of Knowledge Sharing
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 13:19:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,有兩項重要的發展影響了我們的社會,一為非營利組織的興起,一為知識經濟時代的來臨。這兩項看似無關的事,卻給予我們一些啟發。非營利組織的興起,改變了過去由政府壟斷公共領域的局面,而知識經濟則是以「知識」為基礎的「新經濟」運作模式,改變了傳統企業運作所賴以生存的生產三要素—土地、勞力和資本。
    In recent years, there are two important developments impacting on our society. One is the rise of non-profit organizations (NPOs); the other is the coming of knowledge economic age. These two seemingly unrelated phenomena give us some revelations.
    Although the government has monopolized the public sphere, the rise of NPO changes the situation. The knowledge economy is a ‘New Economy’ based on knowledge. It also changes the traditional business operation model, which depends on three production factors—land, labor, and capital.
    In knowledge economy system, one important issue of every organization is how to do knowledge management effectively, so that the organization will increase its work efficiency. The key is ‘knowledge sharing’. NPO’s publicness forms a public sphere, which means the discussion, learning and discourse among community’s members about the public matters in their daily living sphere. This process is related to knowledge sharing. Obviously, ‘publicness’ and ‘knowledge sharing’ exist in NPO simultaneously. Is there any relation between these two factors? The question provides the motive of this research.
    The research, therefore, would like to probe further and take ‘publicness’ and ‘knowledge sharing’ as the main shaft, and investigate the relevant subjects of the publicness and the willingness of knowledge sharing in NPO. The research will define the six major factors of publicness, which includes transparency, credibility, participation, celebrity, unprivitization, and public interests. It will also construct a mechanism of knowledge sharing in NPO and the connotation of publicness. The connotation of publicness includes, (1) establish a reward system of knowledge sharing, (2) establish a operative relationship between organization and its members, (3) establish a common knowledge among organization members, (4) provide a place and time for knowledge sharing among members, (5) establish knowledge agents of organization, and (6) establish a leadership of knowledge sharing culture in the organization.
    The research is a case study of a representative organization in Taiwan, Homemaker’s Union Consumer Cooperation. The result shows clearly about publicness and knowledge sharing:
    Publicness is the nature and an important characteristic of NPO. Since knowledge sharing is based on publicness, if NPO can raise its publicness, then it can overcome the obstacles of knowledge sharing, enhance knowledge sharing in the organization, and promote the willingness of knowledge sharing among its members. NPO can also take its publicness as an axis of the knowledge market in the organization. Having the axis, it can use personal motive, trustful relationship among members, and organizational culture, to construct the organization’s mechanism of knowledge sharing.
    The publicness of NPO will facilitate an effective knowledge market and enhance knowledge sharing in the organization. Moreover, since publicness is the characteristic of knowledge market, so when the organization carries out knowledge management, it will increase publicness at the same time. Consequently, the relation of publicness and knowledge sharing in NPO can be seen as two aspects: one is a cause and effect relation between publicness and knowledge sharing. The other is a relation between the internal (connotation) and the external (representation). Firstly, the publicness of NPO enhances knowledge sharing in the organization, and the knowledge sharing activities strengthen its publicness. It’s a reciprocal relationship between publicness and knowledge sharing. Secondly, NPO’s publicness is the connotation of knowledge sharing, while the knowledge sharing is a representation of its publicness.
    The contribution of this research is addressing that NPO can promote the willingness of knowledge sharing of its members by increasing its publicness. Meanwhile, it can also strengthen its publicness through the activities of knowledge sharing. A suggestion of further study is using this research as a basis, then compare, analyze and study NPOs, which possess lower publicness, or profit organizations.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0088355043
    Data Type: thesis
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